Lol don't like being wrong or ur too good to hit the body....?
Headseeker increases the damage for headshots within the same burst as a body shot. This works great for guns that KICK. Like The Messenger. That gun makes amazing use of Headseeker. You're able miss with your bursts a little bit and still get those two shot kills. However! The Hopscotch has noticeably less recoil than Messenger.... It shoots where you shoot. Like a damn laser beam. You're probably just going to get three body shots if you shoot someone in the body with it, or you're going to get three headshots. In neither of those scenarios does Headseeker make any sense. Unlike Messenger there's really no benefit. Unless you decide to roll a Hopscotch without max stability... But why would you do that? :b Headseeker lets you be sloppy. That's all it does.
Ok ok, so what do u recommend just in case I get a Hopscotch??
I really like reactive reload and anything that increases reload speed in your first slot. Braced frame in the middle. Small bore is fine too.
That's pretty much what I rolled on mine, it's on my hunter, red dot, feeding frenzy, braced frame and reactive reload, it's a monster of a weapon
Yup, that's my roll. Doesn't haven my preferred red dot but I settled :b
Does small bore max out the stability also? I figured it might be better because of the added range
I personally don't like the idea of rolling it like Messenger. Because... What's the point
Small bore will put it slightly above Messenger in stability. The added range is probably great. On my Hopscotch I've noticed pretty serious damage falloff, but it's easy to work around. I wouldn't trade the stability.