Used it when it was relevant, didn't you, let's say you never had this stuff at all. Then it would suck, I used them for nightfalls, raids, PoE, trials, crucible, etc. It was useful year one, Destiny is not an mmo by story at all, but by gear, it is comparable. All mmo games do this, its just that most Destiny players are FPS players or gave gotten used to FPS mindset, like CoD, level doesn't matter at all, the time to kill is so low in CoD. That's why people are upset about gear, that their, "prized possessions" will be outclassed by commons. (That's not a good idea IMO, at least other legendaries to be stronger)
It's not only for mmos but for most Games with expansions. I remember having pretty decent gear in Diablo 3. I get myself reaper of souls: first drop is a weapon with a 200% increase in damage. "Ok"