I usually sing random songs when I rage or get targeted by a boss. My most common playlist consists of David Bowie, the Commodores, Backstreet Boys, etc.. My buddy usually starts in with me if she knows the tune. Well, one day during a game of control, I accidently switch it over to team chat and start, very aggressively, singing [i]Bohemian Rhapsody[/i] by Queen. By the time I get to the "scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango" part, I pause to take a breath, and I am stopped by my friend's chilling words...
"Uh... Your mic, Indy."
[b][i]The whole team heard my aggressive Bohemian ballad.[/i] [/b]
Needless to say, I was met by a chorus of laughter from the team of strangers, along with my friend.
You should've kept singing!