The sad bit is if your an alchy the main rehab solution is the religious 12 step find god program, it is effective and does help but honestly that shouldn't be the ONLY solution. Mostly due to that some totally teetotaler(non drinker) religious people can be just as violent and scary. Alcoholism is bad but replacing it with potential religious fanaticism can potentially be worse.
That's also why I don't like alcohol. it can create an addiction and you'll most likely need a lot of help to get over it.
Right, in most cases you will only get addicted if; You start drinking young (under 18/16) You drink heavily (over the legal limit every time you drink) You drink more than once a week If you avoid those you can avoid most of the addiction portion so long as you dont have an addictive personality(bipolar or something similar) and have a good amount of self control.