Just answer the question, will there be any additional matchmaking options for Destiny in the Taken King Expansion. Yes or No? That is all you have to say.
Thank you
edit... the question has been answered. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/146316658/0/0/1
I would like to thank Cozmo for taking the time to reply.
They already confirmed there will not be end game content matchmkaing. You can go away now.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/146316658/0/0/1]See my response here.[/url]
This parody advertisement talks about just that http://youtu.be/S6azHxrkA6U Feedback is well appreciated so let me know if we f***ed up in any major way so we can fix it next time
Yes please
There won't be. In their philosophy only elitist hardcore gamers should enjoy those parts of the games. It's patrols for the rest of us. :)
Use LFG. Stop asking for end game matchmaking. It wont work, everyone knows this.
I would like to thank Cozmo for never responded to me...So i understood how stupid is.
No... they have made it clear, no end game content will be made matchmaking... so I think it is safe to say, that a portion of the community will never happy in that regard. Once, I was in the same spot... locked because I didn't have a group to run with. My solution was the100.io and getting into a active group. Opened the game up completely... with scheduled times it streamlines the process of putting teams together. Try it.
In game lfg would be handy, you'd need to be able to control the fire team post selection though to make it viable.
Cozmo said no, sadly.
Been asking for months now. Never got any response. This leaves me to believe they won't be adding anything. It's the reason I stopped playing. Just got sick doing other shit than .. you know actually playing a game.
No. They have no plans to add matchmaking and we would have heard if they were adding LFG.
Think about what you're asking. This question has been asked who knows how many times. Correct me if im wrong, Deej has never answered it. So what make you or anyone think anyone else will answer it knowing there is only certain things they are allowed to express on. Even then if they answer its very little that they will express.
Im not cozmo but i can answer your question. No MM is a terrible idea for rsids, nightfalls maybe but raids require more communication then the other content.
OMM would be fine with the majority of us. But if I wanna run the weekly heroic with two people I can't right now. So test that first, see if they will make it optional and give us the ability to two man it. Second you will hate match making more then LFG trust me you will idk how long ago it was but in a community post DeeJ did a segment on the100.io. I personally was skeptical but I gave in, I was sick and tired of shitty players that had no idea what to do to form the spire in the beginning of VoG. When I joined I had 5-8 completions, now look at my raid completions it's only been a month I raid four to six times a week through all three characters both raids. I've beat skolas in an hour and half what's your fastest time? I mean I thought in game omm would be great but LFG sucks so there won't be a difference. The100.io is the best way to go about it so many groups all ages I'm in a group that's 25-35 on average no more playing with kids it's great and they all know what to do and we joke around t-bag each other for a laugh it's a good time with good people try it out. The100.io
No make friends
They already answered; No.
Matchmaking in raids would be a bad idea. I think we should just be able to effectively communicate in social spaces and find teams that way. For instance, ability to talk to people at the reef/tower via mic. Or speech bubbles. Or set headlines people can see in the roster like "vog hard" or "skolas"
No for the Raids, yes for everything else
Won't be Should be.
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