If you could have an extra body part, what would it be?
I would have an extra eye on the back of my head so I can see all around me! How about you?
Who necrobumped this?
Edit: 1000 replies! Thanks guys!
I'd like a dick so I can have the best of both worlds xD
Another spine so If I get stabbed in the back I will still have another spine :/ And it would be sexc
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hmm...2 hearts or maybe another lung
I'll take a new kidney or liver
Can i have a vagina and a penis?
Arm/hand. I'd be unstoppable in computer games.
I want an extra heart for double the endurance
Probably another lung
An extra dick so I don't have to worry when one breaks
Extra nerve system, I could react before you even did something, making good for combat or something
Boobs. 3 boobs would be sweet.
Maybe an arm ... But I don't want to be a freak so maybe extra ab muscles.. then I might have a six pack
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Extra lung, I could run forever!
Penis...2 girls at once.
I'd have an extra set of kidneys. They sell for quite a bit of money on the dark web.
Extra liver. I think we all know why
An extra arm. Left side of the controller Right side of the controller Top of the controller I would be unstoppable
Edited by Dayynah: 8/13/2015 9:04:17 PMI don't think I want an "extra" of anything. If I really had to..Id sayy another tongue lol
Maybe an extra heart. If I lose one, I still have the other.
Voice module online. Audio functionality test initialized. Designation: Liberty Prime. Mission: the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska. Primary Targets: any and all Red Chinese invaders. Emergency Communist Acquisition Directive: immediate self destruct. Better dead, than Red."
An extra booty cheek