But he's definitely gone off the deep end and is way too high on his own popularity. The video should start at 3:35, at which point he starts ranting about how Collectors Editions of every game are basically pointless, and how we ALL live paycheck to paycheck and are too rooted down to experience life outside of video games.
This is the person we should listen to for advice about what we should buy? The nice thing about being an autonomous human being is that I can pretty much decide what I want to do with my money. BDobbins wants you to feel bad about spending your money where you want to, if it doesn't fit into his narrow world view.
If you don't like Destiny; if you agree with some of the good points he does make: Great. Hope you had fun where you could, check back from time to time, we'll miss you. DON'T tell people they don't know how to live their lives like this tool does. DON'T tell people that their reasons for liking a thing aren't good enough.
If you do like Destiny, and plan to continue playing it for now: Cool. I'll see you around the Dreadnought come September. Take a break if you're getting bored. Destiny will be there when you're ready. DON'T call people that are leaving Destiny names (you sound like a fanboy tool). DON'T worry about what other people think of the game (it's enough that you like it).
BDobbins is a tool. Every tool has its uses, but this one is broken. Send it back. Don't try to ruin Destiny for people that like it if you don't. If you do like Destiny, don't be a dick to people that don't. If you can't be nice, just leave each other the -blam!- alone. I don't even have to tell my six year old that.
Great post!
The irony is that he uses other people's time to make his money, then goes and spends his money on destiny expansions and gets his enjoyment out of them. He misconstrues quite a bit of detail, doesn't really understand how business works, and lacks general critical thinking. He blames bungie when bungie doesn't decide the content in it, bungie could want to cut certain content but if Activision wants it in it stays in; that principle works in reverse as well, he also blames players for how destiny turned out. He's nothing but a drone who makes money off the philosophized bungie bandwagon haters. Sure destiny had shortcomings, quite a bit actually, but by no means is it the apocalyptic end of video games as this blow hard claims it to be. Plus he uses a shotgun and blinks, argument invalid.
If you've only watched his videos since Destiny launched, or only watched his Destiny videos, you dont really have any idea where this dude is coming from. And no, you don't have to care. But if you were a super big Halo fan and were severely disappointed with Destinys lack of coherent story and content in general, like he was, and like i was, then you would probably give him more credit. If you're at all curious, you should check out his videos leading up to Destinys release. That should clarify a thing or two. Ive been subscribed ever since.
Might not be him but I looked him up on here, he only has an Xbox and only made it to level 9. What a joke.
I made it 5 minutes in. Stupidest videos I've watched in a while
I have been on this earth for 14 years, not long, and yet thi sis the biggest pile of bullshit I have heard in my life and will probaly here for a while.
Guy makes a living shitting on every game.
Seems to me all he does is hate on Destiny
I dont really like him. His existence in destiny just doesnt make sense. He hates the game, yet he continues to play it. He is one of the reasons that people dont buy the game in the first place. If he really has nothing else to do in his life except moan about destiny then he should just play something else. Even Rick khakis is more positive.
Only issue I still have is the $20 emotes. I mean, whaaaaat the -blam!-
Edited by ChromeDome: 8/18/2015 3:13:15 AMHe's mostly right. The only critique I have is that he repeats everything multiple times. It does not make his arguments seem stronger. I also don't think he dislikes the game, just that it doesn't live up to its potential. It could have been epic. Instead it's a 6 out of 10 with gamble mechanics to keep you playing long after the content is boring and repetitive.
I -blam!-ing hate that guy. All he does is bitch about how shitty games are.
I think the thing I find so offensive is this concept that simple marketing makes Destiny popular. The idea that we are all mindless idiots who will be force fed anything with just the bare minimum of marketing. That we are so easily manipulated, or that we are just shiftless consumers tricked again and again by hucksters who have use completely fooled. Newsflash: I am both a Destiny fan AND a conciencious consumer who knows EXACTLY what I am doing with my money.
He's saying to think about things before you actually buy them. Sure his points might sounds weird but he's right for the most part. The only reason the game felt like a beta is because we let it. [spoiler]im sure the people who hate him are the same people that think that fruit guy is a genius[/spoiler]
Petition to just write bdobbins off as some raging conspiracy theorist anyone?
He's a fgt
Never seen such controversy over a game >.> dont like it dont buy it. Like it? Then buy it. Its not hard. Dont let some guy voicing his own opinions change yours.
I have never liked bdobbins. Not hating, just never liked him
Plants vs zombies gtfo is this kid serious....wtf am i 8?
He has an agenda and takes advantage of the same people that he claims bungie takes advantage of. He's a hypocrite but he does make good videos. His advice is to never buy the game new. He wants you to wait 2 years and buy it then. Wait 2 years til all the players move on and there's no one to play with. Wait 2 years and be so overwhelmed you'll never catch up. Great idea.
He makes the odd good point here and there, but he just says the same thing over and over. Bungie's evil don't give them money etc etc. He tells people what they want to hear. It's all a big money making conspiracy and its us the people against the man. Yea! Power! I thought I'd give him a go, but the first video I watch was titled: "Stop defending Destiny" And then he proceeded to defend Destiny for 15 out of the 18 minutes of the video
Let everyone judge for themselves, it's one thing to disagree but to call the guy a tool is messed up. If you like destiny cool, if he doesn't it's whatever. Enjoy the game.
Tough to listen to... Quite embarrassing really. This guy used to be a critical voice in Destiny for the purposes of making the game better. Now he's mimicking the voices of basket ball moms and crazily ranting. If you don't like the game go back to play Plants vs Zombies. Not all of us use Destiny as an existential anchor for hollow lives, or as a sacred milestone in place of real life experience. Most of us enjoy the game for its tight controls, gunplay, graphics and because it's a game. Keep you lousy opinion to yourself.
Telling me not to tell you how to live your life is telling me how to live mine. So by your logic I shouldn't listen to you. You entirely misrepresented his stance. He is very sensible and doesn't see the over priced collectors items as being worth the money. I've seen the video, he never said not to buy them, he just didn't see any reason to buy them since they don't add value to the content of the game. What he is arguing is that so far the DLC's haven't been worth the price and that people should stop buying them until more effort is put into them. This would only [i]help[/i] the game. So if you like the game, I don't understand why you wouldn't want it to improve. And if you don't see any room for improvement you obviously are new to games. "I'll spend my money how I want" is an incredibly ill conceived cop-out and any sensible person reading will see that you have no argument to stand on. I have no problem with collectors editions, that is just an incredibly intellectually void response. The argument isn't wether your [i]able[/i], it's wether you [i]should[/i]. A strict dichotomy obviously separates these concepts. He makes a case that the pros don't justify the monetary requirement. He thinks people are being ripped off and wants to see it end. He's only trying to help. The fact that he made you feel bad about your purchase because he made a great case as to why you shouldn't have made said purchase reveals a self-esteem issue. That is a personal issue on your part, not his. How about you combat his [i]argument[/i] rather than his [i]motives[/i]. The fact that you are attacking the [i]individual[/i] rather than the [i]argument[/i] is an obvious sign of blind bias. Again, I have nothing against how you spend your money. But this post was just a big bias rant.
Edited by QueCyraCyra: 8/18/2015 1:30:19 AMI think what actually happens is that this Mr dobbins guy actually really likes destiny and of course he's gonna get the taken king because he found out that he seems to get quite a lot of views from his videos if he rants on about something small or big about destiny, but basically he slags it off. He brings in and attracts not only people who don't like destiny but also those who do. The reason this works is because those who don't like destiny feel they share a common interest with him and perhaps have somewhere they can share their own ideals and views on it and those that do like destiny venture in to see perhaps if there are actually any reasonable points being made to try to agree with or because the title intrigued them (like with me) and then just feel insulted and leave, which still counts as a view regardless and some even might try to talk others into joining our community and try to have perhaps a more open mind about it. Regardless of whether or not dobbins actually likes the gameplay or the "story" or anything the point remains that he loves destiny because it's made him successful Just my views on the matter...
He makes good points