Guys just got this after a short grind. What's the best roll? Gonna hit the gunsmith now
It's on my warlock now. It came with battle runner and hidden hand. Smallbore, red dot ors
Oes, 3rd eye, braced frame, head seeker. Got it after 2 strikes, needless to say my buddy is super pissed. It's all he has been talking about for a week
I'm using spray and play braced frame and headseeker with red dot oas
I'm using third eye hand-laid glass half full. I poop on things. KD is about to rise! Also mad fun in PVE
I got red dos oas third eye braced frame hidden.
I got rodeo braced frame and reactive reload
Sweg as first perk with large penis as second
I have outlaw, braced frame & hidden hand. :-) (that was the roll i got after 30000 glimmer, 120 motes & 360 weapon parts) I had enough materials cause of the long grind :-)
I would go for feeding/outlaw and maybe hidden hand,with smallbore in the middle tree (stability is high enough to still be effective,and you get a little more range).Just my preference though (most people would say hand laid in middle)
Outlaw or feeding frenzy, braced frame (maxes stability with no hits to other stat except mag size), hidden hand, Headseeker or reactive reload. I'm partial to hidden hand as it is already a 2 burst kill with head shots. No damage perk will make it a 1 burst. So I'd rather have the aim assist to insure the head shots.
mine is: Focus Lens FLA5 Outlaw Hand-laid Stock Hidden Hand Love this thing. It wrecks Thorn Noobs.
I have Feeding Frenzy, Braced Frame and Reactive Reload on mine. The first and third perks really have a synergy with each other. Basically when I reload, I do 51 damage to the head.
The best roll with the best sight imo is on my Titan. Go ahead and try to beat it.
I have the best HP
I've got Outlaw/Smallbore/Headseeker... love it
Just got mine and rolled 3rd eye Hand laid stock Hidden hand
Go with outlaw/hand laid stock/reactive reload, its a lassr beam
Edited by ILyncher: 8/13/2015 9:54:28 PMOAS scope Feeding frenzy Hand laid stock Headseeker or reactive reload. which ever your preference, go with for the last perk.I personally feel headseeker is better but,again it's up to you.Good luck with the rerolling.
Outlaw & Reactive Reload
feeding frenzy, braced frame, hidden hand = God tier
My fav is: Sureshot IS 3rd Eye Braced Frame Hidden Hand
Think I'm gonna try the roll I just got. Third eye and headseeker with braced frame, speed reload and red dot oas and true sight is. What do you think?
A faster reload perk and a damage buff perk and to max stability use braces frame