This couldn't be any more gay.
Edit: This is coming from an Xbox one player, not a Sony fanboy.
[quote]This couldn't be any more gay. Edit: This is coming from an Xbox one player, not a Sony fanboy.[/quote] Suuuuuuurrree it is... (Complete Liar)
Glad you have pride, but keep the convo about the gun!
[quote]Glad you have pride, but keep the convo about the gun![/quote] Lmfao rekt
How is that being wrecked? Are you homophobic?
How is this magnificent BR considered gay? Are you homophobic?
Because it's not magnificent. It's dumb as shit.
Why do you hate the gaykind
Lol nice
You're right you couldn't be..
^^^Obviously a Playstation Player^^^
Check the profile kiddo, I'm on Xbox one.
Nice try. Seeing how below you showed you play mostly on the PS
I play destiny on the ps4. Because they're are exclusives. And I'm not poor so I own both consoles. Is logic that hard for you?
[quote]Check the profile kiddo, I'm on Xbox one.[/quote] I still don't believe you. Don't call me kiddo.