*She grabs them and pulls them to cover* Comms: "This is Minerva requesting evac for me and two other personnel."
Over comms "Minerva, I coming out to help." I fly out and drift next you.
*puts the two in then hops in herself* "Thanks. Let's go."
We land back in the hangar.
*Minerva helps the conscious one to the medbay* "You grab Fyn."
As I carry him back to the Medbay, a trail of potatoes follows us.
"Take care of fyn first"
"Okay. Stay with me anyway, we need to be sure your not internally bleeding or something."
"Okay" [b]As a golden dragon fly lands on my shoulder[/b] "Oh thank goodness flare your okay"
"Isn't he a cute little fellow..."
"Thanks he's my A.I."
"Neat way to transport your AI."
"What do you mean?"
"The little, you know dragonfly thing. It's like, a droid that carries the AI right?"
"When I had an AI I just kept it in my suit. Genesis had spots built for that."
"He usually stays in his firefly form only if he's damaged I take him out"
"Makes sense. Probably safer that way."
"But he's been asking me to make him a different body"
[b]The man in the suit starts to stir[/b]
"Are you okay? Any major injuries? Talk to me!"
[b]He coughs[/b] "What"
"Are you hurt badly?"
"No not terribly"
"We're taking you to the medbay now just in case."