So, what your saying is...
[b]I put down the mini scouter[/b]
You stole the design of my Scouter, and decided to try and "improve" it?
But all you did was make them smaller.
"I also made them more efficient they use less power and last longer"
[b]I rub my eyes[/b] What power source did you put in them?
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/14/2015 3:05:16 AM"Self replenishing CO2 cells"
Sigh.... You literally made them worst. Have you ever seen me charge them? No? That's because they run on Anti-Matter, just like everything else I build. It lasts for centuries, and is undetectable unless you know it's signature. Please, don't try to steal my tech again. Or improve it.
"OK I'm sorry I was only trying to help the thing about antimatter is that it's unstable"
No, it isn't. Who told you that? Those Galactic Scientists from the Coalition? They misused it and they blew up a research station. Then published reports saying its "unstable".
"I see well at least I tried to help I'm a doctor and scientists it's what I do. You don't mind if I keep the small ones for my own use do you?"
Eh, go ahead. [b]I finish my drink[/b] How about you check in with Jack? He has this weird Battle Stim, and the effects could be dangerous.
"I've been looking into that also does your armor have energy shields if it doesn't I can help with that"
I don't need energy shields. We use Hard Light as shields.
"Won't plasma go straight through that?"
No.... You have a lot of misconceptions technology, don't you? What are you a doctor in again?
"I'm a biologist and a chemist weaponry isn't really my strong suit I work better as a medical doctor and with computers"
A Chemist? You should talk to Minerva. She is a genius in that field. I'm sure you two could exchange notes.
"I'll talk to her"