Look at all the halo fanboys in this post. Clinging to an over milked franchise. Keep crying because PS has exclusives. It's pretty funny laughing at you idiots.
Edit: For those of you who think my level 2 is my only character. Please, enjoy:
Sales say otherwise.
Because people looked at the hardware. Anyways, you enjoy those shits, along with all those exclusive games later this year. [spoiler]oh wait[/spoiler]
[quote]Because people looked at the hardware. Anyways, you enjoy those shits, along with all those exclusive games later this year. [spoiler]oh wait[/spoiler][/quote] All this salt tastes delicious. Thank you,
Anytime. I have a storage in the back from some 12 year olds. Just spreading the love.
When op is a level 2?
Ok, It wouldn't let me see your ps account.
Lol gtf outta here you think you're superior because you play on ps? Get a life loser.
I'm superior for many reasons.
Wow. Someone lost their sense of humor.
Yeah, OPs joke was shit. Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed his lack of humor.
Uncharted series for you guys so shh and enjoy your hawk moon while you still can
My god it's just a joke holy sheet
Nice titan
You mean my level 34 with all exotics maxed? http://i.imgur.com/cQZuoop.jpg Nice 33 warlock. Pleb.
Sorry pleb :(
grimoire: 160
I think you mean 3430: http://i.imgur.com/cQZuoop.jpg Cute 3225 though, kiddo.
Cute 3430. Get to 3500 and we'll talk.
Was I speaking to you? No? Your boyfriend can fight his own battles cupcake.
Wow. Someone is salty about a joke.
Go back to jerking off to cartoon horses.
You are looking cute today