[quote]Clinton dropped 10 points; Sanders gained 36. Elizabeth Warren is no longer included in the survey, and it's fair to assume that Sanders picked up much of the 22 points she had back then. Sanders leads by 21 points among those who describe themselves as "very" liberal, and trails among "somewhat" liberals by about a point. Picking up 10 points from Clinton and 22 from Warren gives you almost the full 36 points Sanders gained. (The margin of error, by the way, is just under 5 percentage points, so that's worth keeping in mind as well.)
As we've seen elsewhere, Clinton's favorability has also dropped since March. The net favorability for the candidates has changed along with the poll results.[/quote]
• 4,500 - New Orleans, Louisiana
• 8,000 - Dallas, Texas
• 10,000 - Madison, Wisconsin
• 11,000 - Phoenix, Arizona
• 15,000 - Seattle, Washington
• 28,000 - Portland, Oregon
• 27,500 - Los Angeles, California
[quote]All told, Sanders has attracted more than 100,000 people to his rallies in recent weeks, riding a wave of Facebook shares, retweets and old-fashioned word-of-mouth to become by far the biggest draw on the campaign trail.[/quote]
Full article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-does-bernie-sanders-draw-huge-crowds-to-see-him/2015/08/11/4ae018f8-3fde-11e5-8d45-d815146f81fa_story.html
I wonder how much the major news programs won't be covering this...