they are actually putting a energy sword where its a heavy slot you can carry and its arc too. go look it up
[quote]they are actually putting a energy sword where its a heavy slot you can carry and its arc too. go look it up[/quote] Yeah. I know. So it has a better chance of being real! But if they did release it I'd crap my pants.
its Real... Make Sure you got Diapers On. lol
[quote]its Real... Make Sure you got Diapers On. lol[/quote] Yeah. I wish. But if it's real a diaper can't hold my hope for this to be real.
[quote]LMAO[/quote] I know.♤♡♡◇♡■▪○••●■♡♧♧◇□•°°••○●●●□□□■■■■♤♤♤♡♡♡◇◇◇♧♧