"Leave it to the god damn hacker." [b]He says as he Pushes the bolt forward on his sniper chambering another bullet. He aims his sniper at the psions and starts taking them out from his position .[/b]
[b]A Psion drops. You notice the Psions advancing and pushing the Overwatch back.[/b]
"This is my nest, I will protect, I will defend, I will fight, the tower is my shield, my rifle is my sword, this war will end." [b]He says this as to calm him self down. Pulls the bolt, pushes the bolt, aims, fire, repeat. He takes psions down quickly and with ease.[/b]
[b]Psions continue to drop. Their numbers push, however. The hundreds continue.[/b]
[b]He reloads his gun repeats his words and continues to take them down. The loud boom of his sniper seems to never stop as he chambers a round quickly and reloads quickly. He continues to drop them. [/b]
Psions begin falling, but still, there were several hundreds. They marched towards the bridge where the Overwatch were, they began to take out the artillery, and march to Neo Centra.
[b]He teleports to a different vantage point and starts taking multiple psions down with one bullet from where he is.[/b]
[b]You take out 2 with a collateral. Psions continue to drop.[/b]