I started baby talking my fiancé... LFG guardian replies, "someone forgot to mute their mic!" Hahah i played it off pretty well anyways and convinced him it was weird to change who you are so people don't think less/differently of you :D
Edit 1: There's lot of truth here guardians! Keep it coming!
Edit 2: Does anyone ever call the Unmuted person out? How did they defend themselves?
Edit 3: Wow! Over 3400 replies!! These stories are sad, funny and nauseating all at the same time ;) shout out to the people who sing like no one is listening :D
I was running VoG on hard with a funny crew I found on the forums. I usually stay quiet and speak whenever is needed(when I die or call out enemy locations, etc.). J had noticed we all oddly struggled at the Templar. So we kept wiping to try and get the whole crew of 6 alive. I kept getting sniped by Hobgoblins so I had time to read around on the forums. As I was distracted on my phone, I passively heard the party bring up the odea of wiping just one more time. I then looked up at my screen and noticed a few began to jump off(at this point I was alive). So the party goes quiet waiting for everyone to wipe. Out of nowhere, breaking the silence, I unknowingly shout out of surprise "WE'RE WIPING? ARE WE WIPING?" and proceed to jump off. Funnier to be there but still a light chuckle thinking about it.