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Edited by Bobby Starsky: 8/14/2015 3:05:01 PM

To all those buying the Gjallarhorn..

Congrats! RNG can be mean, I only got the God of War shader a few weeks ago! Don't let these salty people infect you. I got my 1st Gjallarhorn on Crota's End from the Deathsinger, when I was dead for that whole entire encounter.. I didn't "earn" it, your strange coins were earned so these salty guardians can keep quiet.. Thought I'd include a clip of Gjally action I had in crucible recently *UPDATE* nice to see a lot of love from fellow Guardians but it's unfortunate that there's a large amount of Guardians that need to get checked out at the hospital for poisoning because of all the salt inside them.. Thought I'd share that I have 3 Gjallarhorns already, I got my second and third from nightfalls (a week apart funnily enough) Don't listen to the salt about "it's gonna be nerfed so who cares" as they're only reducing the damage of the wolfpack rounds, and I don't see them reducing it by much, meaning it will still be a beast weapon, but we'll have to wait and see.. Elitists can cry extra salty tears today, they deserve to...

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  • Never fear we have plenty of buckets for all the tears. As for all others.enjoy it while it lasts And by all means share some buckets while you're at it

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    If I were you dont buy it its gonna be garbage anyway

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    Bungie planned this scumbag move. Its like saying here were gonna give you the most op gun in the game to just nerf it. Dicks

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  • I say good on those buying it if you don't have one or only had one or two. But it's kinda up setting cause a lot won't know the pain and struggle of RNG before this. I only mean that for players that have been playing for like the last month or two not day one players.

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  • I really like what you said. I can't believe all of the negativity coming from so many people over this. And the Elitists? I say let them eat crow.

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  • Bump !!!

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  • I been telling people welcome to the gally club in the tower

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  • ^ all the pre-8/14 Ghorn owners!

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    1 Reply
    • I totally agree I "earned" Ghorn when my friend played one crucible match on my account and did terrible. I felt bad that he didn't get it and for the rest I f my team. But now that Xur is selling it I don't have to. :) thanks Xur

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    • Edited by iD0NTGIVEADUCK: 8/14/2015 5:19:58 PM
      My friend has a serious dilemma. He has just started playing and he only has 22 strange coins. He can buy Gally, but he then can't buy the Symbiote helmet to get him to a higher level. He would need 8 more to get both. What do u recommend? Edit: Don't you guys worry. I am in charge of his account while he is out of town. I am gonna buy Ghorn and I am currently grinding PoE 28 to get the rest of the coins. I only need 4 more! Also, thanks for the suggestions. Edit2: I did it! I got enough coins to buy both.

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      26 Replies
      • OK, You have your Gally...NOW GET OFF MY LAWN...:)

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      • No salt but it has already been ninja nerfed. I no longer use it for exotic slot

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      • Which is a greater moment? The second coming of Xur selling Gjally? Or second coming of Jesus?

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      • Okay so to all of the guys saying all the people buying ghorn don't deserve Gt is KrotchKommander and listen....I put in at least 30 hours a week grinding and grinding until I get disgusted of the game. I have done countless nightfalls, raids, strikes and a bunch of POE. I try my very best. But for some reason the game feels that I don't deserve any good gear...I think I speak for all the people like me when I say we DO DESERVE IT.

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      • It's my birthday today and this is unexpected present.

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      • Thanks Bob.

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      • Tanks meng, finally got mine from Xur this morning. Woke the wife and kids up, as I'm yelling "@!ck yea!!" When I saw it in his inventory. Safe to say my reaction would have been the same of it dropped, man nice way to start the weekend. Hope work doesn't F it up LoL.

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        2 Replies
        • No they don't deserve it! This isn't fair! I quit! Forever!!!! [spoiler]#satire[/spoiler] [spoiler]PoE is going to be soooooo much easier.. Until September at least lol[/spoiler]

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        • Bump!

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        • I've been playing since day one. I'm nowhere near a fanatic player, but I do try to play a few hours a day. I've never bought a weapon from Xur, but I have purchased armor though. With that said, I've earned several other exotic weapons, even thorn is in my arsenal. Yet the gally has always evaded me. In one day I got 3 of the same exotic weapon drop, so yeah the rng sucks at times. But I'm breaking down and buying the Gally tonight(although I will probably now have them drop like flies.) Either way, earned through randomness or purchased thru Xur, everyone has had to earn it by playing.

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        • You cornball

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        • I finally got the jellyhorn last week on a crucible drop, I felt special for a week and then bungie shat on me by giving it to everyone lol. But glad everyone can have fun with it before the wolf pack gets nerfed next month

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        • raids are a lot harder than weekly heroics lol i didnt buy all of my ghorns i got them by doing raids and i got three.the people who dont buy ghorn have worked a lot to get them not just do weekly on all characters then go to xur and buy it

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        • I pray that everyone that had to wait patiently for their Gally will be the first owners of the new Gally in the new dcl. Make them sour baby's wait

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        • So what weapons will you guys complain abour next? Just kidding. Good stuff guys congratulations you've graduated.

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