But getting coins is super easy
Every PVE content that has a possible chance to drop gjallarhorn is at least a little bit challenging
If bungie decided to give everyone a guaranteed gjallarhorn for completing night fall this week i would like that better then having some vendor sell it
[quote] Every PVE content that has a possible chance to drop gjallarhorn is at least a little bit challenging [/quote] You must be new. Like REALLY new. Otherwise you would have remembered how easy it was to go into crotas end and grab the first exotic chest by yourself (back when it was still an exotic chest). Or maybe you could have remembered how easy it STILL is to get gorgon checkpoints off LFG and simply open a chest. Or maybe you could have remembered that you can get it by playing a normal crucible match, afk-ing for a bit, and getting it after a .15 k/d game. But no, you decided to go with the ignorant statement of the day.
So? It's possible to get a Gjallarhorn drop faster than getting enough coins. Besides, who cares how someone got it? Same weapon and they're happy with it just like you are with yours.