I only have one and passing it around bugs me so I'm buying 2 more for convenience, levelling is only a pain if you focus on it, just keep them equipped as you turn in bounties.
Well I've always had only only one weapon, and passed it around. I've gotten 4 icebreakers, but have dismantled all but one. I just don't know if it's worth it. I'm going to buy light beyond nemesis, as it has a much better roll than my current one. I would be able to buy 2 more ghorns, but Tha would leave me with like, 2 coins. I don't know I'd it's worth it
Damn that sux its a good 30-40 Strength below the 2 I have (1 already leveled up forever now and other got awhile ago but only like 7-8 higher at 158 I think) and that 2nd one is the one Xur was selling before if Im not mistaken
Yeah, the one I have has 103 strength
Ouch, spam that buy button then!