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Edited by Malphisto: 9/5/2015 10:00:10 AM

PUSHING THE POINT... (Requesting a Bungie Representative for Discussion)

This is technically feedback, but I'm also requesting to actually have a sit down with someone from Bungie, either Cozmo, DeeJ or hell, put Luke Smith on even. Whoever and how many people from Bungie is not a problem in the least, if you guys wanna come in as a group to discuss this I'm happy to oblige. Simply put, I'm pushing a point here, and if you can manage to convince me otherwise? You're golden. Bungie has seen my other posts before, they know the kind of person I am at this point and they likewise know I'm very reasonable. I'm not going to bite your head off for disagreeing with me or whatever, but I'm also not exactly young and naive, either. I'm going to expect whoever is disagreeing with me to be able to defend their point, just like they would come to expect of me as well or anyone else for that matter. That being said? I made a comment elsewhere which I've been told once again like before should be turned into its own post. It was in response to the subject regarding the price for the TTK Digital Download and the horrible reception it got from many players before. The video above that I'm using as the header for this post expands upon a point that I made a while ago that others have likewise put forward. But I think its important to add onto that, that this specific problem stems from an even greater issue altogether, one which was originally the hot topic of discussion back when the Dark Below first released. _____________________________________________________ Honestly, we already know that Year 1 was nothing more than a giant ass Beta test, developer interviews have even attributed to this. There was LESS in the released game than there was for the Alpha Build for crying out loud. That being said, they still got to profit off of us and we basically spent $100 for an incomplete product that was not worth its price tag. The new $60 TTK Legendary Edition is what SHOULD have been sold a year ago to everyone, and to make matters worse, adding insult to injury is the total lack of compensation for this. [b]"But you had a year's worth of great memories!"[/b] No, there were folks who certainly did NOT have that kind of experience. It was a giant chore for many, and given that TTK is totally revamping said experience is further proof of such. [b]"Well, there was plenty to do in the game."[/b] No, wrong again. The majority of this game's playtime was attributed to grinding for weapons and armor, the bulk of which (Legendary Gear) is now apparently being frozen in time with no plans to further ascend it. So quite literally we spent all that money and all that time for nothing. Just a huge waste of time and energy. [b]"But now you'll be ready for when you play TTK!"[/b] It has already been confirmed that common GREEN weapons will end up replacing our Legendary ones in an hour or so after playing TTK. Likewise, new players are getting a so called Booster that lets them jump right into the new content from the get go. So no, there is literally no advantage or bright side to being a Year 1 player. [b]"But you'll be able to use those weapons to buff the new ones!"[/b] That's just insulting... We spend how many hours getting these weapons for the sake of straight up sacrificing them for new ones that it will take all of a few hours to obtain? Awesome, yeah I TOTALLY see how that magically makes everything better... (*Sarcasm*) [b]"Well you can still use the old weapons for the old content?"[/b] Are you stupid? You're introducing ALL of these new weapons that you KNOW people are going to be getting, you're not expanding player Vault Space, and you expect people to hold onto their old stuff that serves no purpose in the newer content for the game? Seriously? No, you are engineering the game to make all of our old stuff obsolete for no other reason than the Max Damage stat being higher which is -blam!-ing lazy as hell. So no, this is not an appropriate response. [b]"You could always keep the old gear as trophies?"[/b] Don't patronize us. We certainly don't deserve that. Keep them as a trophy how and for what? What reason would we want to keep them around for prosperity? To remind us of how we got dicked around for an entire year like a bunch of ignorant, hopeful assholes praying for the game to get better and instead of you improving it you're just outright recreating the entire thing from scratch and selling something completely different? Because that is what TTK is, that Legendary Edition is an entirely NEW Destiny game which seriously gives no concessions at all for the older players. A damn year long Beta Test where we served as guinea pigs for the purpose of making a perfected product. [b]"Sorry, but this is how MMOs work."[/b] Bungie has formally declared multiple times that Destiny is not an MMO. It is, above all first and foremost, a First Person Shooter. And like any other FPS game, players don't expect the weapons or armor that they spent the time to unlock and acquire to stop being relevant for the game's future content. If players in an FPS choose to replace their current gear loadout for something new, it is always because of choice and personal preference. Not because it is a decision being forced on them. "Max Damage" should not be a deciding factor for weapons that are of the same tier. (Meaning all Legendary and Exotic Weapons should always be on par with each other, the only defining difference being their various Weapon Stats such as Rate of Fire, Impact, Mag Size, etc. and Weapon Perks) [b]"It might not be a straight up MMO, but it does have MMO qualities."[/b] Good for them? I don't even know why that would be said, what the hell is your point? Destiny is NOT an MMO. FACT. I don't care what concepts they tried using or this whole Shared World Shooter notion, its not World of Warcraft. It will NEVER be World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG. It is an FPS game. Period. [b]"Well I personally think it would be boring to use the same weapon for X number of years."[/b] Personal Opinion. You can't speak for every single person and you can't design a game around such a bias perspective. Not EVERYONE feels the same way, and many would rather be given the choice instead. _____________________________________________________ So here is what this ultimately boils down to. What do we get for being Year 1 players? Emblem? There are so many others in the game that will swiftly replace this. Same applies for that Year 1 Triumphs emblem as well. Shader? I don't know about you guys, but I'm rocking the "God of War" crimson shader for my Warlock... Not likely to change that, either. Sparrow? Its a black version of the same exact thing that everyone else has and its not even as cool as the Time Breaker, sorry to say. TTK Price Reduction? Considering the Digital Download is $40 for us, assuming no one was foolish enough to actually buy into that $20 cash grab of an apology from Activision (I'm not holding this whole pricing thing against Bungie. Activision handles all that nonsense and its what I've come to expect from the bastards who ruined Blizzard), no its really not any kind of deal for us. Especially when you compare it side by side with the TTK Legendary Edition that new players will have available to them which is basically cutting the cost of vanilla Destiny while at the same time including both Dark Below and House of Wolves for FREE... $40 is a bit much for Year 1 players, and its EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE for people in the UK. That's pretty much it. I'm trying really hard to find any kind of actual benefit for having been a Year 1 player, a "Founder" for the franchise. (Case in point, I still have that Founders Emblem, which I never used. Ever. Just sits there collecting dust. Which is likely how these two other emblems will turn out assuming I ever bother to motivate myself to actually kill Skolas) In an attempt to justify all the time spent playing the game this past year, giving up other things so that I could stay at home and progress my character and get those other weapons I had on my want/need list? Put it this way, I stopped playing Destiny cold turkey not long after Dark Below came out. I just couldn't bring myself to keep playing, and its exactly for the same reason that myself and others have now. Does Bungie actually respect time investment for this game? Seriously, we had quit, folks. And there were those who really just did not bother coming back to Destiny, even after House of Wolves dropped and heralded Etheric Light which magically made all of us happy again. Because we actually were under the impression that meant Bungie had heard us and had fixed their mistake. That they proved that player investment was important to them as well. And now they are repeating the Dark Below fiasco all over again? Really? Its a slap to the face, guys. It honestly is. So please. Cozmo. DeeJ. Luke. Anyone or everyone from Bungie. I welcome you to discuss this with me. I'm not looking to bitch at you, I'm not looking to scream or throw chairs. As one of your players, this is a very important subject and myself along with MANY others need to know what is going on with this. Convince me to stay. Convince me that everything is alright, and that its perfectly ok for me to once again feel like I can trust Bungie. And no, honestly, the twitch streams aren't going to help any either. Not unless you're going to do some huge shocker that reveals old Year 1 Legendary Weapon and Armor actually continuing to be upgraded somehow to stay on par with the new stuff.

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  • Exactly this. There isn't even a point to continue playing right now until TTK releases. In my opinion TTK is basically an entirely new game. Hell, it could be a new IP...

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  • Bump

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  • There's nothing to say, this year has been a beta test. Our armor and gear should carry over, if nothing else, our raid stuff. Just to say "Thank you for beta testing this game".

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  • Very well put and I completely agree,is this a tactic that will be used over year 2 and then we all have to start again with each new dlc and then again for year 3. I've made quite a few posts about this and I'm struggling to find any reason not to be swayed by new games coming out. I have to re-buy content,loose all my legend (all I've gathered over year 1) and will only be marked out for my achievements with a shader,sparrow and emblem for playing most days since the game came out. That and having to pay more than most as I don't live in the USA and can't tap into any pre game offers (red bull one for example). So yes why say become legend when it's more become a sheep and look like everyone else again,grind out finding weapons and armour to probably have to do it all again. I want people asking where did you get that or wow that looks sweet. Why would I ever run Vog,Crota,the prison or trials again if all rewards from that are useless?? I hear you shout for fun but I've funned myself out with older content and can't see why I want to re grind again and loose all I've gained. Twitch streams will answer all the questions I have,doubt it,the last ones didn't and with the lag issues and players cheating with no real change from what I see why would I want bounties in trials and crucible when the connections and lag switching put me right off already??? Guess all the new players from year 2 will satisfy the money grabbers,guess they'll find out for themselves how it feels as the year 1 players have felt since the dark below

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    • Wow I just read cozmos reply. Is sad I wasted all this time playing a game I thought would continue to progress instead I had the carpet pulled out from under my feet. I really don't like being lied to and the response is the same every time, "your going to like the new game", but tell me what's the point in grinding if you just take the stuff away or so shifty eyed worm face sells it. Thanks but I don't see the purpose any more I have gotten really bored with the game the only reason I still play is the people I play with. I think I'll wait for year 3 and by year 2 for little of nothing play catch up for a week, and bam level 40 or 50, and it only cost me 30 bucks.

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      • Don't expect anything but vague responses and ignorance from these blood suckers. These companies don't give an F what we mere peons think. Companies like this always remind me of a quote from Vanilla Sky. "My father wrote about this in his book. Chapter 1... Page 1... Paragraph 1: What is the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?... Money." Its money that drives these people. They've already proven they can sell a lie, which is exactly what this game has been. Just watching the TTK interview footage with Luke, you could tell he didn't want to be asked about real problems facing this game. He just wanted to talk about how great of a game TTK will be. We give good concrete feedback on how to make this game better and we get the same response every time. If the money keeps rolling in I can guaren damn tee you they really don't care about our opinions. If you want to make any type of statement then keep your wallets shut until TTK is released and read real reviews. Stop blindly purchasing games that make promises and never deliver.

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        • We should be able to ascend old legendaries. If they want use to use weapons then add more perks while keeping all the old ones and new ways to select perks like in the new weapon foundries! This will make new weapons have more variety as well as being technically better since they have more perks to choose from. This will incentivize people to use new weapons without making old weapons useless!

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          • This post is idiotic. These opinions do not reflect those of the majority of destiny players. Nobody is trying to convince YOU to buy ttk. You will when you see how good it is. I have about 1400 hours on destiny and I enjoyed a very large portion of that. Even the tedious aspect of vanilla destiny were a great way to socialize with clanmates. Well worth the investment I've made on the game. This type of backwards thinking gets us nowhere. Honestly if you don't want it don't get it. It really is that simple. You don't need to spread your plague to others who might just enjoy playing the game. BTW that is what it is...a game. Stop taking things so personally.

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            26 Replies
            • Bump

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            • Edited by xStingingBEEx: 8/16/2015 12:55:20 PM
              I agree with you! Are we really becoming legend if we can't bring some of our legendary gear with us into the next great adventure? Here's my solution: I think we should be allowed to bring [i][b][u]ONE[/u][/b][/i] of our favorite legendary guns from [b][i][u]EACH WEAPON TYPE[/u][/i][/b] So for example I could bring... Scout rifle: VOC sniper rifle: LDR 5001 Rocket launcher: the fear Machine gun: the swarm And so on... Into year 2 This would allow us to hang on to our favorite guns and still make new gear very good and sought after.

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            • Edited by DrtyNstyLeg: 8/14/2015 7:15:37 PM
              Thank you for piecing together multiple thoughts I have posted and shared in the real world. WE ARE BEING CHARGED TO DELETE OUR WEAPONS AND GEAR!!!!! Edit: typo

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              11 Replies
              • Agreed. I am most frustrated with all the time I put into collecting weapons and armor in the past year to have it all rendered obsolete when the taking king comes out. I've played this game almost everyday since it came out and have enjoyed all the ups and downs that came with it but I'm not okay with starting all over again. With that said I don't even know if I'll be buying the taken king. Sure bungie will definitely get a lot of new players that haven't already been playing destiny but I think they're gonna lose a decent amount of year 1 players due to this new content

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                2 Replies
                • Agree with many of your points and I'm frustrated as well. Thank you for compiling this. Just one small piece of feedback - I'd limit the foul language or censor it when directed at individuals - not sure if it will get flagged and/or it could be considered harsh.

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                  5 Replies
                  • I am TheLordCypher and approve this message. This was very much worth the read. You hit every point perfectly. I'm happy Bungivision wants to make it easier for newer players. I don't care if Xur is selling the gally. Why you ask. Because it doesn't affect my game. Just like everything else. The only things that does affect my game is the idiotic decisions Bungivision makes. Show us Bungivision, show us year one wasn't a huge waste of time. BUMP!!!!!!!

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                    2 Replies
                    • Epic Thermonuclear Bump!! Mal has encapsulated everything I and many others have been saying. He has even refuted the BS comments Bungievision mouthpieces keep spewing. Excellent post Brother!

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                      • Edited by lucid gravity: 8/16/2015 12:41:07 AM
                        Respectfully, Bungip doesn't care... Like windows they have created something with intent to make money.... That's all. Will any of these issues that you have brought in good conscience and forethought to this forum be addressed? Simply put... No! Whenever changes are made, its to please the Devs. The Devs are mostly holier than thou(good guys they may be.. They still have a job to do) and only their opinions matter towards gameplay creation. He's right in his singular response of the MMO through to FPS. They wanted a genre breaking game to grab as much cash as possible and they will portray it in that manner. They will say whatever they have to in order to get the next round of cash. Kind of like the crack whore on the corner. I'm not embarrassed to say I was one of the first kids on my street to have BLIP so when I say I'm an experienced gamer... I mean it!!! That's where I'm coming from. Proving my point is simple: 1. Server balancing in P2P(not PVP idiots) is atrocious and always has been. That would be an enormous first step! They could care less! How is lag still a thing..seriously? At least take the time to tier the servers in 10ms steps. 2. TakingToomuchKash is in your face proof for all 1st years that they could care less about our concerns. If Bungip is so confident of its product why the doubling, tripling and quadrupling of cost in DLC's! At least when Call Of Duty crammed it in your ass it was only once! 3. The platform in which this was created is limited(very limited fore site) ergo.. forcing a new economy so you have to drop the cash to continue in the old/new content without becoming irrelevant to other players(your friends)! Sound familiar. They've already done it twice! 4. They fired their own game Devs because they wanted to create something different and then realized their own failures and were forced to hire them back. 5. The "Will be the future of gaming" self hype when the game can't stand on its own due to lack of creativity! What has been the "future of gaming" in Destiny...seriously! -blam!-ing skins... That's part of your sell! That in itself, should be an eye opener to anyone that's been gaming for more than a couple of years! 6. The Destiny phone app. was truly one of the many signs that this game has enormous short comings. Hey I Gotta a groundbreaking idea... how about you put the app in this constant disappointment of a game! So my -blam!-ing data doesn't accidentally get ass pounded when the wifi goes out. Oh, but then you couldn't pull snoop data. Jerkoff's! 7. The typical sell,sell,sell, response from him and others "watch the twitch release" for Christ,Mohammed and Allahs sake stop the -blam!-ing constant pitch and just say, "yeah idiots, it's all about the money." 8. The random reward generators are complete garbage...GARBAGE. Anyone with the smallest knowledge of computer architecture knows there is no such thing as real random generator!!!!!!!! Are they borrowing a quantum generator from CalPoly!!! I digress before my head spins off into orbit..... I Could literally go on for 10 more separate bullet points... But I forgot, this "FORUM" is fake concern to keep me and others hooked to their BULLSHIT! The only reason I'm posting in this forum at all, is to warn all readers of this portion of the forum. It's all about the money guys, everything these game manufacturers tell you is to keep you in line with your hand out ready to pay in. You gotta pay to play! What Bungip doesn't realize is they will soon price themselves out of a market that has too much else going on to entertain!!!!! But, that's what greed does kids! #truthbomb #halosredheadstepchild #yourhairypalm #stoppokinmybutt #stopithurts #johntheripper

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                        2 Replies
                        • Great points. Best post I've seen on here in a while. Before, I agreed that Legendary weapons should have stayed in Year 1, but now I look back and realize all that time that I spent playing VoG for Fatebringer, and then add more to that to level it up, I realize I don't want to let it go. It's my favorite gun. I've grown attached to it and it shouldn't collect dust in the Vault.

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                        • Edited by Mr.Spartan126: 8/14/2015 1:24:15 PM
                          Interesting, Bungie does need to step up on the public interaction, but I believe this thread in particular could do with at least some answer. Step up Bungie, I've been here with the forums for a little over seven years and I've seen the both sides of the coin for this company. This isn't the same group of people that made Halo, I understand that, but the current Bungie has a lot to live up to from the Halo days. Those were times of great community interaction. Remember, we are [i]always[/i] watching, judging, and deciding what we will do next. Bungie, make sure you all as a company do not become another business in it for the monetary and corporate gain. Loss of your community trust will be the straw that breaks the camels back. I understand there is a contract to uphold, but don't let that interfere with the most important thing every company needs. Customer Satisfaction. Think about it.

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                          4 Replies
                          • This post would have been far more salient without your final point (before the summary, etc.). That said I agree with your post that the sentiment in all of this suggests a lack of investment in the original community or any appreciation for what it feels like to pay $80 to beta test a product before paying another $40 to get the real thing, especially when anyone skipping said beta is only paying $60. I think it's a great value for newcomers and a source of shame for anyone tracking this project a year from its release. I quit when they announced TTK and won't be coming back until that expansion is packaged with another for free. That doesn't happen I'm never hopping back in

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                            • Edited by Insomniatron: 8/16/2015 12:51:06 AM
                              All extremely valid points. Things about TTK that make absolutely no sense to me: - No more ascending gear. When this was announced for HOW, it was great because it addressed one of the bigger player concerns. It was regarded by all as a good move. Then it gets dropped. Wtf? - New players get a boost so they can play the new content. Why wouldn't they just play the story and then grind for Vanguard armor, like every previous level bump? If I'm misunderstanding this, please let me know, but it seems like they want people to be able to skip the majority of the content to just play TTK. And that's weird. And also kind of invalidates the year 1 experience.

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                            • You have a gift of articulating your thoughts and putting them to paper. I applaud you, and happen to agree with all that you said. We can hope, but unfortunately I believe most of our concerns are falling on deaf ears. It is my opinion that they have knowingly left year 1 players out to dry while trying to appeal to a new player base. Had I never played Destiny before $80 for all that content would be an amazing investment. Yes, I feel screwed. Plain and simple.

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                            • I'm not buying anything more for this game until they address the server issues. I don't care how good taken king looks. Unless you've played I don't want to hear it. Why is that we had to suffer for months in the current meta. Are patches gonna come out more consistently?

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                            • Bump!!

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                            • Well said, you have my vote.

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                            • Bump for future read

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                            • Bump!! Seems that after making a half-hearted comment, they're just turn a blind eye and ignore players till the criticism subsides

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