Hahaha. Ye there all losers. Tell they try putting in time and effort and they get shit then lol.
I just can't wait for them to fully level it.. Run some strikes and think they are good..... then when the nerf hits and it's just a normal weapon.. be stuck on the first bit of the new raid as they have zero skill
Lmao Ye. They be crying like baby's. They nerfed the galley mam. Noooooo lol. U on Xbox one then fella.
I'm on Xbox, can't do the the playstation control pads... Are you? Add me... I don't really do raids or prison anymore (until taken king) as nothing I need from them at minute. I still jump on for trails if you fancy a game at some point.
Ye ok mate I'll add you up soon. I ain't tried trials as I don't do crucible a lot. But I'll give it a go with ya. Ur game tag is same as ur name Ye ?
I normally play trials every week with 1 guy and then we sub in someone so your more then welcome to join. Trails is easy enough if you communicate. The blink shotguns are a bit of a pain but everything else easy enough
You and RAZIEL are gross and sound like pompous Asses. I'm just letting you know in case you didn't notice how you both sound.
Ok mate I'll join you at some point. I've just added you now. So when we do play we will have to play havok hahaha.