100% agreement. I'm still looking for a reason why I should buy TTK. I have yet to be convinced, and do not feel that Bungie has ever really responded to the community's wishes
But xur has gjallahorn and you received random mystery packages yesterday at postmaster. Isnt that not enough to pre order TTK. Not to mention Suros pack! (sarcastic post yes.) : )
*Throws 1 dollar bills at the screen and tells it to get naughty* (XD)
Mystery package?
Sorry mystery packages. Strange coins, legendary gun, silver packages and focus light. I had 9 strange coins and 12 focus light at PM yesterday.
Oh ok lol
You say that but you will end up buying it with or without a reason
Actually my current plan is still to sit this one out. Either I'll pick back up on a future update or I'll find a new title. If I wait a month or so after TTK Battlefront is coming, and I really don't have the time to immerse myself in two titles. I'll try BF since it's not much more to get a whole new game and all of its content. Maybe if TTK were cheaper then I'd consider it, but as I'm only planning on it for a short time $40 seems too much, especially considering the last few DLCs.
This is literally tdb HoW and vanilla destiny all in one dlc so imo it is worth 40 plus that extra 20 for the emotes but that's just my opinion..the reason I said that was because everytime a new dlc comes out all of my friends say the same thing you said and they end up buying it with or without a reasson to buy