PreSequelEdit:(with pic)Come at me Bro!!
New Recruitment method we need to keep the elitist alive
[spoiler]Just Joined Elitist [/spoiler]
Edit:Over 400 keep it going guys
Edit:Have made post of great ideas to this game still haven't even been in the top or even with at least 10 comments.
So ill ask you something to all of you who came and cry and bitch on this post but first this is why this community is -blam!-ed up you care more of insulting each other instead of good things.
1.What do you see in the Gif?
A bear and fish
2.what is the bear doing?
3.what do we use to fish?
4.who do you think you are?
the fish
5.who do you think I am?
the fisher man
6.what do you think this post is?
the b8
all you fish have been clean by your own tears, cocked with your flames of anger and eaten by this fishermen looking for idiots.
Now go and make good ideas instead of crying for every shit in the game if you want to cry go to the daycare with the rest of the baby's.
Props to the people that knew this was b8 all along and acted kind.I have hope your futures will be great with 0% people like this
Now boys Bring the flames and the tears so I can end eating you all.(no need to ad salt to the fish its high on sodium)
I am truly a Monster but specifically {M0n5t3rKing}
Bye have a great time.🙋🐳🐋🐟🐡🐠🐙🚤🍴
edit:Latest post[i][/i]
Lol, that gif is priceless.
Ya, ghost collection is a perfect indicator of skill. Suck a -blam!-, you -blam!-.
"Keep it going guys" >everyone thinks & is openly calling him an idiot
*Checks op's stats But...but... Your bad!
Yours is below 3,400. So I'm assuming this was a joke. But finding it hard to see where the funny bit is, can you enlighten me. Chiz.
Stfu you pole dancing chimp
Shut up Meg
Well you dont have 3400 are close but not quite
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Omg lol trolls are out full effect today
Yeah, you're joking.
You call yourself elitist and accept anything below 3665? Plz, git gud breh
Who would want to b on ur fireteam anyway
I don't even have a 34......[spoiler]scrub[/spoiler]
I have less grimoire then that yet compete raids, trails flawless and nightfalls every week and some people with high grimoire haven't even gone flawless so this is a retarded post
Dude no way you ran around and found all the ghosts! So skilled!
I'm out don't worry
Positive KD or GTFO my fireteam scrub.
Another player to avoid, thanks!
K. Should cross 3500 this weekend
Gr8 b8 m8.
You many have a high score but you have shit stats
So i'm an elitist?.. i think most elitist are assholes. I really don't care about your skill level, as long as you're fun or nice, i'll invite you. I like the gamers who need help, usually the most awesome people you meet online
Lol you don't even have the grimoire to make demands... Nor the character builds.