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Edited by Nemesis X 325: 8/14/2015 12:33:04 AM

How to fix shotguns without NERFing them.

I'd use High-Impact shotguns. (Super-Shotguns)


I'd use Medium-Impact shotguns (I'm Traditional)


I'd use Low-Impact shotguns (Just call me DooMGuy)


[u]This post applies to PvE and to PvP, and more specifically, how to balance both without NERFing anything. [/u] Everyone hates shotguns in PvP, or to be precise, high-impact shotguns. ([i]Unless you're the one using them.[/i]) The range is ridiculous and makes using lesser-damage shotguns impossible. This limits PvP shotguns to one specific type, ([i]The high impact/low RoF type.[/i]) which reduces variety and make the Crucible meta very stale. No one uses the other shotguns, which is a shame since you can get some interesting variety and playstyles with the other shotgun archetypes. Also to note, the other shotguns are rather balanced. In The Dark Below, the shotguns available weren't anything OP or game breaking like they are now. The only high-impact shotgun was Found Verdict and Felwinters. Both were OP but rare. Weapons like Swordbreaker and Secret Handshake were fair and offered a very different experience than what we see now. This difference is something Destiny needs to focus on. So how to balance this? [b]Introduce a spread stat[/b]. Currently in Destiny, all weapon stat values are relevant to each other. Stability is relevant to Impact, Impact is relevant to RoF, Reload speed is relevant to Mag Size, etc. ([i]These are gross estimates, not always applicable.[/i]) However, there isn't a shotgun spread stat. ([i]For those unfamiliar, spread is the distance between the pellets fired[/i].) And unless you're using shot package, all shotguns have the same spread. This is a problem, as it severely disadvantages low-impact shotguns. All anyone wants in more range and impact to get that perfect one-bang shotgun, not realizing that the lesser-impact shotguns have value too. My suggestion is to have a shotgun's spread relevant to it's impact. Higher impact means increased spread. ([i]Think double-barrel shotguns.[/i]) These in-accurate one-bang shotguns would be used less in PvP and more in PvE, where you'll want to rush up, do massive damage, and back off real quick before getting b1tch-smacked by a boss. The lower-impact/higher RoF shotguns would have reduced spread and increased range. ([i]Think built-in shot package.[/i]) One-shotting enemies in PvP would be hard, and might require a two-hit kill, but with the increased range and reduced spread precision damage would be easier, meaning you have to aim instead of just blindly firing around the corner. ([i]Also, less Blink-Shotgun.[/i]) The only way to one-body-shot kill someone is at point-blank range. These would function more like shotguns in Modern Military shooters, ([i]COD, Battlefield, etc.[/i]) and require a portion of skill ([i]skill? shotguns? crazy, right?[/i]) to use effectively. You wouldn't be able to beat a high impact shotgun at close-range, but you can shoot him first and land the second shot faster than him, giving you the advantage from range. Here are some interesting things you could also change to shotguns as well as good perks. [b]Base Stat Modifications[/b] [b]Remove damage drop off:[/b] Pellets fired should always hit their targets, even if only doing 1 damage due to range. They shouldn't magically disappear. [b]Increase Base Mag Size:[/b] For High-Impact shotguns, a 4-6 average. For Low-impact shotguns, a 8-10 average. [b]Decrease Base Range:[/b] Maximum range for shotguns shouldn't exceed that of a fast-charging fusion rifle. [b]Perk Modifications [/b] [b]Shot package:[/b] Reduces spread and increase range and precision damage, but reduces impact. This means you'll have to really aim and be skilled to use this perk, as body-shotting people is no longer effective. [b]Rangefinder:[/b] Increases range while ADS and increases penetration damage, but reduces Rate of Fire. This puts more emphasis on timing you shots, closing the distance, and making sure you can kill your target. If you miss, you're done. [b]Full Auto: [/b]Increases Rate of Fire and Stability, but decreases Range and Impact if you fire before pump-action animation is over. This one is great because the weapon will function like a hybrid. If you pace your shots, you get more range and impact. But if things don't go well, you can rapid-fire your way out of a sticky situation. [b]Deep-Penetration:[/b] ([i]Teehee![/i]) Shells fired pass through infinite targets ([i]Not through walls![/i]) with little damage reduction. This would be epic for clearing out a tight corridor or devastating a mob of Thrall in a single blast. Great for the high-impact variety. [b]Ricochet Rounds: [/b]Shots bounce off walls and targets multiple times with a little damage increase per-bounce. Again, good for clearing out corridors as well as trick-shots. Just don't bounce them on yourself... Just a little player feedback. Any comments or modifications would be nice.

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