Congrats! RNG can be mean, I only got the God of War shader a few weeks ago! Don't let these salty people infect you. I got my 1st Gjallarhorn on Crota's End from the Deathsinger, when I was dead for that whole entire encounter.. I didn't "earn" it, your strange coins were earned so these salty guardians can keep quiet..
Thought I'd include a clip of Gjally action I had in crucible recently
*UPDATE* nice to see a lot of love from fellow Guardians but it's unfortunate that there's a large amount of Guardians that need to get checked out at the hospital for poisoning because of all the salt inside them..
Thought I'd share that I have 3 Gjallarhorns already, I got my second and third from nightfalls (a week apart funnily enough)
Don't listen to the salt about "it's gonna be nerfed so who cares" as they're only reducing the damage of the wolfpack rounds, and I don't see them reducing it by much, meaning it will still be a beast weapon, but we'll have to wait and see..
Elitists can cry extra salty tears today, they deserve to...
Finally a positive post, I've had a Gally since January. I'm happy everyone else can have one too! Let's have some fun and let the wolf packs fly!