It is getting nerfed but you don't even have to worry because it will still be the most powerful weapon and Bungie even said they wanted it that way. Wolfpack rounds will do less damage but all rockets will have a higher blast radius so that means more damage so it all balances out and Ghorn will still rein supreme overlord.
After so long, some sensible. Salue to you sir. That is what I am trying to these people who are saying its gonna get nerfed. The base damage is same as other heavy, worlfpack rounds might get down by 10% which means it will still do [b]6-8 wolfpack rounds * ( x - (x/10)[/b] more damage. I hope people get what I am trying to explain here.
I still have mine maxed . I said that cuz after they sold suros they nerfed the f outta of it
Now now watch ur sentences and grammar young man and u might make it out of school u inbred american hillbilly moonshine loving touching your star spangled wanger ha ha watch ur grammar and sentences noooooooooooby booooby yaaaaaas! :-) :-) :-) :-)
your* you* you* your*
Burn the haters
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] U americans dont even have a clue how to spell apologise u use a "z" ha ha. U stole your land from native american indians and all the thieves and beggers of the world came to form "ur country" ha ha. Maybe you should spend time looking to see who "your" people are and stop using everybody elses culture and languages and find "your" own. Wanker
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] Your a sad wanker who corrects grammer in forums. Shame on you
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] They day people need to watch their grammar on forums is pathetic and those people who correct people's grammar have no comebacks and crutch onto this to try and at least have a reply. Ha ha laughed at
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] Shit
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] Fat
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] Big
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] Gay
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] Mom
[quote]your* you* you* your*[/quote] Wanker
Is ghorn getting nerfed? Really? No man are u serious?