Ok, so this'll take two days. First, have ten completed bounties in your slots. Two, have the nightfall buff. Turn on a telemetry. You now have (10?) minutes. Turn in all your bounties. Go do all the pve bounties (pvp takes too long). It should be up to Wolfpack rounds at least.
If u have at least 10 bounties to turn in with telemetry and u have the light from nightfall u should be able to fully upgrade
Rocket telemetry
Bounty's, strikes and poe that's how I leveled my gally and congrats bro, enjoy!
Bounty a on each caracter
Rocket telemetry with focused light if you got the red bull code
No I don't but great advice people
bounties bounties bounties. Grats on the Horn
Run daily vanguard bounties. Turn in with a telemetry. Do queens wrath bounties. Turn in with telemetry. Do Eris Morn bounties. Turn in with telemetry. Change character. Repeat. 9 total telemetry but 1 day guarantee max
Edited by Solid Phuc: 8/14/2015 8:41:34 PMcan you please tell me when to use the telemetry? at the end of bounties or during the time im doing it?
When your about to turn them in
thanks bro!
When you're in the tower/reef to turn the bounties in. They last 30 minutes so you have a bit of wiggle room if you use one early
got it thanks!
No problem
And also daily