Bungie doesn't owe you any explanations. No offense meant by that just simple truth.
You cannot trash Bungie in your videos and then expect them to sit down with you. Thats not how it works. They already dismissed you as one of those DBobbins guys. Use a simple thing called logic man.
The game has MMO elements. Doesn't matter what you call it. They made a decision already. Move on. Enjoy the game for what it is.
Diablo 3 isn't an MMO either but they are adding Ancient Legendary weapons which are going to be better.
Any game that wants to stay fresh does this... Give it a rest already. You might actually like it.
I don't understand why players feel the need to defend Bungie. They are perfectly capable of handling themselves and no, they aren't as petty as you're making them out to be. They accept said videos and posts as constructive criticism and player feedback. I don't see why you would try to clarify your comment as not intending to offer offense to me since you're essentially telling me I have no right to speak my mind or give personal opinions of my own free will. If you take such an issue with my posts, kindly don't force yourself to read them. I'm not making you do anything you don't want to.