If you got to have the powers of a Forum Ninja for a day...
What would you do?
IP ban dorit
I'd ban engra and resurrect nubbin
Get myself a custom emblem
Singlehandedly hunt down every single Heresy thread
Oh look shitposts. BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN
ban any haters of noiseless purse
It wouldnt matter because no one could see me
Reply to many topics and try to start fights with the words hows life outside this game
Ban all the b8 that isn't 8/8 m8
The same thing the ninjas spend their time doing.
Ban Solaris.
My day would be April fools. And I'd ban EVERYONE. And them let them come back the next day
Prolly be a nice guy and do nice stuff
Ban anyone who's salty and call it "Forums:the bannening" starring Eric Beal, Jim Parsons and Deej (just cuz)
Ban #destiny.
Ban myself.
Do the responsible thing ninjas do and appropriately moderate the forums, maybe pick up a nice emblem for the day. I'm assuming you lose your emblem when you get "demoted".
I'd ban you. "Why," you might ask. Because OP is fgt. That is why.
Publicity publicity publicity[spoiler]must I say more[/spoiler]
Promote Britton.
Ban everyone.
Bant all the things.
I'd give myself the ability to always be a ninja. Then I'd clean the forum of all the salt and shitposts
Ban everybody except the peasant and Talos and u bby gurl