Although this video made by BdobbinsFTW sums up my point pretty accurately, I'll still paraphrase him so those who don't want to sit through a 20 minute video can still understand the benefits behind constructive critisism, complaining and feedback from every Destiny player. Be advised that it'll still be a rather long read.
[i]Never be satisfied with the current product because they can always do better![/i]
You'll see this in vanilla Destiny and the $20 emotes and class items. We were ripped off [b]BIG[/b] time with both of these. Vanilla Destiny and even Destiny now after 2 expansions and countless patches severelly lacks a comprehensive story and a semi-decent amount of content. As it stands, it's an overhyped facade of a 6/10 that could've been the greatest game of all time but because of greed, Destiny failed miserably. We were frustrated about these shortcomings and so we criticized, and complained and bitched and moaned until we got our way. In The Taken King, Bungievision seeks to fix most, if not all of what they messsed up on. We're getting the story we've been waiting for, we're getting more content and we don't have to buy the Legendary edition all over again to get the emotes. All we have to do, is never be happy with the current product and [b]always[/b] demand for a better one. For example, you come home from school with a B on your report card. Your mom is disappointed with you because she knows you're capable of that A. So you work harder and harder until you finally get that A but even then she still pushes you to do better because you didn't get an A+! It may seem harsh but it works. That's what we must do about not only Destiny, but all games that aren't 10/10. Always being dissatisfied with Destiny causes Bungievision to constantly work as hard as possible to deliver the best gaming experience they can. They have the resources and the know how; it's just about never making them feel comfortable enough to rob us ever again!
There will never be a perfect game. The fact that Dobbins.... [spoiler]Thank you for pointing out who it was so I didn't have to waste even more brain cells from that tin foiled fool....[/spoiler] even using the same old rhetoric time and again in his numerous videos, shows that people who got over hyped and misinformed by their own doings, is proof that there will never be a perfect game. You children say you want innovation yet when someone tries to do what you ask, you whine some more. If you really want to know what's killing the franchises, it's the consumers. Not the developers.