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What's up, space wizards? I brought chips & dip!
We also have pizza, ranch, and booze.
The DJ is playing some music; if you want anything specific, ask him.
[i]Osiris[/i] is here!
[i]A hunter[/i] has also arrived, but he won't bite!
[i]Skorri[/i] arrived, and brought some well- needed refreshments! [i]*cough*[/i] Alcohol [i]*cough*[/i]
[i]MindoftheUndying[/i] showed up! As a guy who can move through time, you'd think he'd be the first one here.
Also, make sure to thank [i]Matrix Tech 26[/i] for all the pizza!
[spoiler]Because keeps making edits new posts, all mess-ups will now be blank posts. Sorry.[/spoiler]
[i]SnowfoxV[/i] has so rudely interrupted the D[i]ee[/i]J, but at least made sure the interruption was catchy.
Please be careful of [i]RazorHawk9[/i], he might punch your grandmother. But, please do say hello.
[i]A Fallen Ketch[/i] is offering free rides. To where, I don't know. Keep your -blam!- whistle nearby.
Welcome [i]PyroPjs[/i], he's new to this kind of space magic.
Keep an eye on [i]DieNoSoarKing[/i]. He might burn the house down.
[i]Skolas[/i] just arrived!
[i]Epsilon[/i] (he's an AI) has arrived!
[i]Taniks[/i] arrived!
[i]Jaren Ward[/i] arrived!
[i]Kaliks Prime[/i] just showed up! Watch out, he and his devil gang might eat the cookies.
[i]Sarge[/i], Colonel of Red team has come!
[i]A Spartan Laser[/i] is as confused as ever!
[i]DeusDominus[/i] has brought the "medicinal herbs"
[i]Uldren Sov[/i] has arrived! Check out his post [url=]here[/url]!
[i]Felwinter[/i] (back from the dead) has arrived!
[i]CandidMuffin41[/i] has brought [b][u]7-LAYER DIP![/u][/b]
Quick! Everyone go after [i]Oryx![/i] He found out we beat up his son!
Sarge, I appreciate the help, but this thread… is [i][b]DEAD.[/b][/i]
Warlock is love Warlock is life ~Shreck
Oh I see your grabbing heavy ammo to bring to the party.. Be ashamed if I... ...Nova bombed it
mind if i pop in? im just checkin out the other parties before heading back to the hunter one
Bump, I'll save the post
*Puts bubble up killing everyone nova bombing inside*
To all the Titans and Hunters
Can you guys guide me to the nearest strip joint? I'm trying to study some big booty bitches
Light beyond nemesis vs. Ram... Please explain fellow warlocks
Nothing is remembered Nothing is forgotten Oblivion is where we seek our truth Warlock master race
Salutations fellow Warlocks. I brought some more books to study from in order to learn up on how to take down Oryx before he comes.
Fellow Scholars of Death!, REJOICE!. Stormcaller subclass is on the way and I brought snacks to help the party effort.
[i]Sup guys. Supply here.[/i]
I brought the stranger and I call dibs ;)
Hi, I found a couple boxes of and Russian alcohol from the cosmodrome. It's from the golden age, or at least I think it is. Master Rahool wanted me to leave a case for him to "study" but I gave him one bottle and declined. so if it hasn't gone bad it should be amazing. All their labels have illustrations of different fallen beings. In any case, where do you want these boxes?
Hey guys over there. Do you hear that? "Knocks on door." Someone there's another warlock here to party. "Host walks over and opens door slowly." Warlock walks in with swagger from MLG. Removes the 42 light beta Helmut. "All the Warlocks realize who this is." He says, "where's my purple drink?"
I heard there were some Hunters? I think they would love to see some space magic ;)
Soo, where's the free food? I was promised free food.
I have over 1000 hours played with my warlock AMA
Hello my fellow Nova Bomb throwing, self resurrecting Warlocks!
Ayeeee wat up guys! :D
Hi guys.
Who's up form a game of Basketball? I can slam dunk every ball.