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What's up, space wizards? I brought chips & dip!
We also have pizza, ranch, and booze.
The DJ is playing some music; if you want anything specific, ask him.
[i]Osiris[/i] is here!
[i]A hunter[/i] has also arrived, but he won't bite!
[i]Skorri[/i] arrived, and brought some well- needed refreshments! [i]*cough*[/i] Alcohol [i]*cough*[/i]
[i]MindoftheUndying[/i] showed up! As a guy who can move through time, you'd think he'd be the first one here.
Also, make sure to thank [i]Matrix Tech 26[/i] for all the pizza!
[spoiler]Because keeps making edits new posts, all mess-ups will now be blank posts. Sorry.[/spoiler]
[i]SnowfoxV[/i] has so rudely interrupted the D[i]ee[/i]J, but at least made sure the interruption was catchy.
Please be careful of [i]RazorHawk9[/i], he might punch your grandmother. But, please do say hello.
[i]A Fallen Ketch[/i] is offering free rides. To where, I don't know. Keep your -blam!- whistle nearby.
Welcome [i]PyroPjs[/i], he's new to this kind of space magic.
Keep an eye on [i]DieNoSoarKing[/i]. He might burn the house down.
[i]Skolas[/i] just arrived!
[i]Epsilon[/i] (he's an AI) has arrived!
[i]Taniks[/i] arrived!
[i]Jaren Ward[/i] arrived!
[i]Kaliks Prime[/i] just showed up! Watch out, he and his devil gang might eat the cookies.
[i]Sarge[/i], Colonel of Red team has come!
[i]A Spartan Laser[/i] is as confused as ever!
[i]DeusDominus[/i] has brought the "medicinal herbs"
[i]Uldren Sov[/i] has arrived! Check out his post [url=]here[/url]!
[i]Felwinter[/i] (back from the dead) has arrived!
[i]CandidMuffin41[/i] has brought [b][u]7-LAYER DIP![/u][/b]
Quick! Everyone go after [i]Oryx![/i] He found out we beat up his son!
Sarge, I appreciate the help, but this thread… is [i][b]DEAD.[/b][/i]
Edited by Singularity: 9/11/2015 10:05:36 AMI titan but magic makes me go "wow." Me also bring tasty chicken wings. Me stay?
Epslion is dead OP.
*breaks through a wall* OH YEAH HAMMER TIME *starts killing everyone with hammer of sol
Wassup gryffindor!!!
*Walks in as Titan... *Looks around *Fist of panics out of the door
There needs to be more people here this meeting is more civilized that the others. Well exept for that time that I um shot up the meeting sorry about that 8^|
I'm a Hunter, but I'm here to invite you floofing bastards to one last brawl before TTK.
Warlocks too busy to attend? :( guess I'm the only one
Don't worry mate I will keep this post alive and growing.
Who brought that Party Crasher +1? It says INVITE ONLY!
Variks will bring the fruit cake
I'm here, and I brought my PARTY GLASSES!!!!! *drops them on the ground* OH FÛCK!!
TOLAND! Toland where are you buddy?
I'm hear to ...battle? [spoiler]nah I brought some oil for all the exos[/spoiler]
I'm not a warlock, but I throw a dope melon party!
Hello, allow me to fly around and make beeping noises. I also do cocktails & im a really splendid foot massage person.
*Hunter blinks in* OP Panics *Party Crasher +1* OP's dead. Warlocks blow.
Sunpancake reporting in sir! *gives you a hug*
I am here. Brought some special space magic booze. Warlock's for life
I have spare batteries for those with empty batteries in their controllers