Dear Bungie,
To make this forums post short and simple Xur Is Broken. All the people who have been working for months on end to get an exiotic that they really want finally get the gun they have been looking for. Then two days later xur sells it. Not to make a big story out of this but i got the gjallarhorn from the nightfall this week. Now all of a sudden i am receiving a notification on my phone that xur is selling it.
All of the work that me and my friends have put into the game is now all wasted because now anyone who can manage to get 17 stranges coins can get the most OP weapon in the game. While all the people who already have the weapon took their time and determination to get the gun. Every crucible lobby you get into for the next few weeks is going to be swarmed with gallys. For this reason i feel that Xur should not be selling such OP gear.
Me and my friends and a couple of random people feel as if now that xur has sold one of the weapons that so many people try to get, now destiny has no meaning or purpose. I remember seeing a forums post on this very website thet Bungie created stating that they would never make xur sell the gally again until they have made the weapon less overpowering in the game but clearly they have lied.
In other words bassicly me and a couple of friends think that bungie has screwed up this time and they will pay for it because i know many people who are done playing the game and are not planning on getting the new dlc that is coming out on the 15th of september. Ihope that bungie can take this into conideration and find a way to fix Xur.
Sincerely The Xur Agent Of The Broken Clan,
Lunar Synergy
Sniperguy 5518
The Duncan
Why does it freaking matter if someone else has a weapon you have? You aren't a special snowflake and you will never be. It's not like it impacts your gaming experience. You'll hardly ever interact with them on a daily basis. It's the same shit every week. Do everyone a favor if you don't like it so much just leave. I'll even open the door for you.