I am sorry, pls don´t golden gun
*duel wields golden gun and shoots your arms off*
ok what the heck do you want? Kittens? [spoiler]http://dreamatico.com/data_images/kitten/kitten-2.jpg[/spoiler]
Hey i thought witch hunting isn´t allowed?
You're no longer allowed here.
i fixed it. :)
Adorable, but it's too late. Nice try, though.
You're trying too hard.
Edited by Morgana: 8/15/2015 1:36:06 AMOh, i won´t give up until i find the cutest Kitten on the Internet Seriosly i am sorry, i already got golden guned twice in the last hour. Please. [spoiler]http://previews.123rf.com/images/zaretskaya/zaretskaya1207/zaretskaya120700082/14390547-Sad-little-kitten-isolated-on-white-background-Stock-Photo-cat.jpg[/spoiler]
:( I brought Doritos
Well, you brought a master race video here, you're no longer allowed in.
Edited by Morgana: 8/15/2015 1:20:38 AMKittens? *_* You know i am friend of your sisters daughter Angelina Sov... i just wanted o be funny... :`(