[b][u]I NEED HUNTER OPINIONS!!![/u][/b]
1) Keen Scout: Crouch walk faster, enhanced mini map, mark targets you damage.
2) Rapid Shot: After your first Shadowshot, you get 2 more explosive arrows that need to be shot in rapid succession.
3) Shadestep: Barrel roll that can be used by quickly crouching twice.
Which will you use in your Nightstalker build?
[spoiler]I think I'll be using Shadestep in PvE and Rapid Shot in PvP. Keen Scout looks cool but it's not really necessary imo.[/spoiler]
Idk maaaan. Rapid Shot sounds awesome.
I prefer 3 because you know would be great for trials
Either 1 or 3
Really? Why not Rapid Shot?
I don't think I'd need it.
I'm more of a keen scout guy
I think a dodge would be useful for pvp
Dude look up more console's vid on shadestep, it is soooo sick!
It looks like a very good blink substitute but would you rather use that or get 2 more Shadowshots??
In my opinion, I would rather use the shadestep because from the videos that I have seen, shadestep can dodge major stuff like nova bombs, fist of panics, rockets etc. Also planet destiny made a review and said that it is kind of hard to actually hit them with the arrow, but I'm sure that you could get used to that. What I'm trying to say is that on more console's vid it showed that shadestep used none of his melee, grenade, and super energy, so if you did use the extra shots for the bow, then you could only use it when you have a super, and shadestep you could always use it. So for me, I would choose shadestep.
Rapid Shot, hoping for an Exotic that gives Shadestep.
Yeeeeah. Probably some exotic boots!