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8/15/2015 1:46:13 AM
Thanks for taking the time to write up your thoughts on... well you touch on a lot of topics here. :) I always appreciate polite feedback. There are a lot of arguments about comparing Destiny to MMOs, other FPSs, and so on. At the end of the day Destiny is it's own thing that has similarities to several genres. I will bring your concerns about Year 1 weapons to the developers but as of right now you are going to find more powerful weapons and armor in The Taken King. We have 5 days until the first big Twitch reveal and it will clear up a lot of ambiguity about the evolution into Year 2.

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  • I take it you either found destiny on sale or are hooked enough not to notice you've paid $140 to get the same product newcomers are being offered $60 to hop in, after enduring three separate abusive in-game economies that will all have been scrapped for the real thing. Products lose value over time but the sentiment remains and was enough to sour me on this IP for a little while. You point would benefit from making an effort to grasp that your perspective may yield far less weight in the context your post was intended to convey. You've given sound advice, however. Just a side note: community managers don't manage the community, they manage the company's communication with the community. The distinction in subject-object relationships is important and, ironically, relevant to the content I previously addressed.

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  • Bump

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  • Money is not a problem for me, I didn't buy Destiny on sale, and the game fits my style. I was disappointed with the story. The game has it's flaws, but if it wasn't for Destiny I wouldn't have found the inspiration to make a game I'm currently working out on(pretty amazing game, won't come out for another 10-20 years). Don't really know. I find Destiny fun, probably because I don't grind the game day and night for gear. I don't have a large amount of free time which leads to my joy in the game. Grinding gets you bored. I don't grind because I play other games too.

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  • That's fair. If you're not playing much you wouldn't have noticed the hoops we had to jump through to really participate in the in-game meta, which, aside from a disappointingly deceptive marketing campaign, are the only major legitimate complaints that have ground to be levied against destiny imo (balancing issues just need time and iteration, etc.). I actually think it's a great game. Also think they made some choices to reach goalposts that severely handicapped its flow toward having good value. The quality of life changes brought about by TTK are a huge deal in relation to the previous, excruciating metas, and the price disparity between new and old players is totally an issue of principle after having to survive through that. The salt is real (and genuine), and that's what I meant by your experience potentially lacking the context it needed to be heartfelt.

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  • Bump!!

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  • Well thanks for the not angry response(that I usually get). The only weapon I'll be sad to leave behind is my Red Hand IX, but I have the capability of leaving things I love behind which is why I'm a bad person. I understand where you guys are coming from.

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  • Thats pretty much what you guys have been saying for 2 months now....just keep waiting everyone.....

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  • Translation. [quote]Thanks for wasting your time to write up your thoughts on... well you touch on a lot of topics here way above my pay grade. :) I always appreciate polite feedback the devs well they don't. There are a lot of arguments about comparing Destiny to MMOs, other FPSs, and so on. At the end of the day Destiny is it's own thing that has similarities to several genres. I will not bring your concerns about Year 1 weapons to the developers, they already know about this as the player base has been dwindling since we announced the news. As of right now you are going to find within the first five minutes more powerful White, Green and Blue weapons and armor in The Taken King all your old gear is trash because we won't be increasing vault space. Please don't leave I just got this job and we have 5 days until the first big Twitch marketing campaign and it will clear up none of the ambiguity about the evolution into Year 2 but hopefully you fall for all the hype and forget we are cutting content and charging you for it and preorder TTK "expansion".[/quote] Did anyone else read it like that?.

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  • Basically

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  • Lol a little but I was trying to be positive about his post.

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  • Edited by SilentFight2411: 8/17/2015 12:21:59 AM

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  • Yup

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  • Exactly.

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  • Thanks for a nice response.

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  • Fool answered 1 question and that was to refer you to twitch. lol

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  • Edited by Stuka Ju87D: 8/15/2015 7:44:21 PM
    If your pattern of weapon progression follows what occurred in HOW, snipers in particular, then I would say you're in for a little Feedback... But props to you for at least jumping in here.

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  • Sell out lol

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  • Excuse him for making a living.

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  • What is the "Year 1 players will get Something better" been waiting to find out whats better than 3 class items 3 emotes and three armor shaders,, so what is it

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  • Seriously must be the biggest secret ever. "I'm giving you the coolest stuff but I'm not going to ever tell you what it is! "

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  • Edited by iSociopath: 8/15/2015 5:49:04 PM
    Bungie appears to be considering the problem on the surface level and therefore, missing the point at a deeper level which has touched a nerve for the year one player community. This issue isn't just about weapons and gear. For example, let's assume for the sake of argument that we will all be pleasently surprised with the new weapons and gear and happy our Guardians are more powerful. You appear to be forgetting a fundamental aspect of human behavior and thus, how it relates to game play (for every game) -- choice. For the past year we have been exploring, growing, and adjusting our own playing styles using the items we've had to grind for. We have CHOSEN to use specific weapons and gear because those individual items highlight specific style and preference. By taking our year one weapons and gear away you appear to be taking away our **choices** and forcing us to use items which may or may not affect our style of game play. Some have explicit weapons they've spent hundreds of hours and Modes of Light to get exactly perfect to their game play style (i.e. Galleons Demise with Explosive Rounds and Grenadier on a Warlock). But making that weapon and related gear obsolete you are taking away the choice from those players whom **want** to play with those items as they highlight their style and specific game play. Therefore, you are forcing a player to abandon their preferences and their **choice** of playing style and thus, you are leaving them without a reason to continue playing **your** game. These players will go somewhere else. This is especially problematic with TTK since it was/is marketed as, and **supposed** to be, a DLC...not a "new" game, You want to change the entire game, fine, do it in Destiny 2 where the player base can **choose** whether or not to play the new game. So, not about weapons and gear Bungie, its about **choice** and you appear to be taking that away from year one players and perception is reality until proven otherwise. Will you change our perception in five (5) days? Let's hope so, but the **choice** issue remains and people I know are already **choosing** to explore playing new or different games simply based on the perception you are ruining all year one items we had to grind for.

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  • Why did xûr sell the ghorn till now? Since you guys at BUNGIE ruined the gjallarhorn

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  • My post from a couple days ago that follows the same train of thought: So you gave us a patch to fix the lack of vault space before HoW came out and it gave us a couple extra slots, which weren't enough for the weapons and armor we already had at the time. Then came the new DLC with all the new content: new exotics, 3 new weapon sets and 2 new armor sets. But wait there's more...don't forget about all the vanguard, crucible and faction gear and armor. When you add it all up, it leaves the gamer with a total lack of space. I had to break down copies of raid and exotic weapons that I would have liked to keep in order to make space for new items. Other weapons and armor gamers would have liked to try out didn't make the cut and had to be broken down before we even got the chance to upgrade them and test them out. Some of us figured out a way to save new copies of items by keeping our inventory full on our characters and storing the new items in the mailbox after they dropped. It seemed like a good idea since you seem to have no definite roadmap for the future of Destiny and trading could possibly be introduced at some point. I can certainly understand the frustration of people not getting drops they wanted since it took me over 1800 hours to get my 1st Gjallarhorn and, of course, when the RNG god's finally smiled upon me again I wanted to keep my 2nd copy. I left it in the mailbox thinking it would be safe and waiting for when I was ready. My mistake, just like all the time I feel like I wasted playing this f#*@ing game. First, there's the most broken PvP I've ever played with lag that is completely dumbfounding in the year 2015. Next, we have the lag-switchers ruining the PvP game experience, especially in the new Trials mode where you have to win 9 matches in a row to get all the rewards. It's sooooo rewarding to get to 7 or 8 wins unblemished only to lose out because you can't even get a kill in the last match or two because of cheating. You asked us to report them and the very next weekend you match is against the very same cheaters. Getting to Mercury requires the god's to smile upon you and the stars to align perfectly, usually at ridiculously late hours on a Thursday or Monday. Then I login today (on my birthday) and notice that the extra Gjallarhorn, Fatebringer, Found Verdict and other elite items I wasted my time trying to obtain once again are nowhere to be found. I didn't take them out of my mailbox and, if had I known they would vanish, I would have broken down even more weapons I would have like to save. Then I think back to when you first talked about The Taken King DLC and how you were going to screw the year one players that had been here since the beginning and it was only because of the uproar from the Destiny community that you back-tracked and said, wait we do have a special version for you guys. Lastly, for the life of me, I don't know why Bungie continues to rake in the cash but can't seem to afford dedicated servers. Maybe it's because you just don't care, maybe Activision is pulling the strings and has your hands tied...I don't work there and I can only speculate but this is one pissed-off gamer that is about to hang up his Destiny card and find something else that won't waste my mother-f*%#ing time. I could keep going about the constant tweaking of guns, all of the disconnect problems, the friends list not showing up, Destiny disconnecting your Xbox One from the Internet and not even showing a network until you reset multiple times (even when everything other electronic in the house is functioning flawlessly), party chat not working, the pointless error codes and on and on and on. Thanks for nothing, I hope you get your shit together before you piss off your entire customer base!!!!!!

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  • I just appreciate that Cozmo responded...

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  • Cozmo you and bungie have to understand that just because you're adding new higher level guns doesn't mean it's a good thing. You're limiting the amount of stuff there is in Destiny by a whole lot. So what if there's one of each weapon class that'll be in the new raids drop table? You're cutting out VOG, Crota, PoE, and trials of osiris weapons. Destiny is supposed to be this great big game yet with this new dlc you're successfully cutting out content. For one we should have the choice on what weapons we want to use. Making the new dlc weapons stronger and making the older weapons irrelevant forces us to use the weapons you give us. In the new dlc content if we want to use our weaker guns we'd just make everything else more of a bullet sponge. The more variety to the arsenal of weapons made available to us the better! There isn't enough guns in this game in the first place. Take borderlands for instance so many guns, they're all pretty good and none of them outshine each other. Don't make old raids pointless either, they don't have to be something we need to do, but it needs to be something we WANT to do and have fun while not completely wasting our time.

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