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Edited by AngryGoblin57: 8/16/2015 4:18:24 PM

Bungie's Transparency is Offensive (Xur, Cozmo weighed in)

So Xur is selling Gjallarhorn. To all the guardians who sought this gem but were eluded by RNG's grace, CONGRATULATIONS and I am seriously happy the pain can stop for you. However, to me, this move on Bungie's part is offensively and obviously twisted and pervasive. On the surface, they would have you believe they are opening a previously sealed door for all the people who once could not join raid groups due to the "must have Gally" demands on LFG posts. Nope. If Bungie cared or wanted you to have a raid group, THEY WOULD IMPLEMENT OPTIONAL MATCHMAKING. Nice cover Bungie. The real reasons Xur just happened to lift his trade embargo on Gjallarhorn this weekend? 1. To deflect / distract all the negative press from TTK announcements 2. To pad their activity numbers in this ridiculous lull as people wait for TTK since the year 1 legendary announcement all but destroyed grinders' reason to play. 3. To troll us. Like Bungie always does. "Here, have a Gally." ***nerfs the crap out of Gally three weeks later*** 4. To gain our favor. The relationship with Bungie gets more and more unhealthy the longer it goes. Watch out.

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  • The truth is Xur randomly rolled Gjallerhorn. No ulterior motives, conspiracies, or illuminati. :) I woke up, saw Xur was selling Gjally, and said [url=]"Dis gon be gud."[/url]

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    304 Replies
    • Optional matchmaking or bust

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    • Dude u have issues .its just a rocket launcher A fake one at that .. Ghallahorn does not make destiny .. And if u think so u are very delusional .. You coming up with conspiracy about a video game is sick . Concentrate on real issues in the world

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      2 Replies
      • what negative press for TTK? also gally isn't getting nerfed that hard I think the real reason they sold it is BECUASE better weapons are coming in TTK

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      • 1
        Optional matchmaking is a terrible idea for end game activities. Im sorry but this is the truth

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        5 Replies
        • The argument against [b]optional[/b] matchmaking summed up, "I don't like chocolate ice cream I only like vanilla, there shouldn't be an option for other people to have chocolate because I don't like it."

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          3 Replies
          • Lmao, where do you people get off with this shit stories? Now, are you going to post something about quitting? Because i want you to, quit that is.

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            2 Replies
            • Agreed.

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            • It worked for me. And I'm totally buying TTK as a result. Whoooooooo hoooooooooo gally!!

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            • I have to agree with all of your points.

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              1 Reply
              • Your tinfoil hat is a bit loose. Might want to tighten that up. Would hate for something to happen.

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              • Yes. ...and you seem to be the unhealthy component to that relationship. Because your post is nothing but a string of cynical logical fallacies, conspiracy theory tripe, and data cherry-picking. Bungie doesn't have optional matchmaking for a very simple reason....illustrated by an experience I had this weekend. Got an invite from a player on my friend's list. I saw they were running the level 34 PoE...and I still needed it for my Titan for the I decided to go join them. I arrived in the middle of the Second round of the arena. To find the two guys fighting...and not hearing a PEEP on the team chat channel. Only because I had run this arena a dozen times since the HoWs dropped was I able to fall right in, and know exactly what needed to be done in spite of the lack of communication. Only because I was running my Titan (as a Defender with Helm of St.-14) was I able to keep that lack of communication from turning into a team wipe at several key points. By dropping my Ward and blinding everythinig on the platform, I kept us from being overrun several times over the rest of the arena. I finally realized that what had probably happened is that they tried to complete the arena with one or more people without headsets...and were either struggling to do it, or someone had bailed out seeing that had handicapped itself so badly. In the final boss fight we wiped the first time, because I was reduced to SHOOTING at the airlock door's right door frame to try to communicate that I wanted the team to fight from the back right platform. They didn't understand the first time.....they did the second. We cleared the boss that second time. But all this just made for an interesting story, since I was dealing with a fight I knew VERY well...and two pretty good players who (for some reason) chose to handicap themselves by trying to clear this arena without headsets. Well with random matchmaking...I GUARENTEE you that occurences like this will be COMMON...and regularly set you up for failure. The only reason I even attempted to complete this arena under those conditions was because it was a fight that I knew extremely well...I had the right character for trying to complete it this way...and I knew that I could carry the team if it came to that. But had I arrived and found people trying to complete the level 35 arena like that.....I'd have set a land speed record on my way back to orbit and off that fireteam.

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                107 Replies
                • There is truth in your statements.....

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                • Ur an idiot match making would make raids pointless

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                  6 Replies
                  • Trust me, there will be much better guns soon. It's just to be kind to year one players, too, seeing as this is one of the last times Xûr will be selling to us exclusively. Bungie was more giving a year 1 reward than disgracing the game and it's players.

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                  • I am TheLordCypher and I approve this message. This posting is direct, observant and true. Well done guardian. Bump.

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                  • Lol so funny you are so off base

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                    4 Replies
                    • Bump the -blam!- out of this!! Oh check this out Cozmo actually replied to a thread after the 41,000+ negative response on update!!! Finally crawled out from under that rock you were hiding under huh?

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                    • OP is correct.

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                    • I find it funny that people think all the Bungie executive meet in a dark room every Thursday and plot against the guardians on what gun he will sell. "This week will we show them how much we hate them for playing our game maybe now, now they will finally quit"

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                    • How is Xur selling the Gjallarhorn perverse? What? Do you open your ass and allow your but hole to speak for you? You make zero sense.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Edited by Der Sheff: 8/17/2015 4:58:16 PM
                        Bump. I agree about the lull, for sure. They definitely need to bolster player numbers and keep people interested and Gjallargorn is that weapon. However, I do like Cozmo's response to you post.

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                      • Note that its an algorithm that generates what xur sells... if u figure out the algorithm its not so random anymore.... besides I think this weapon will still be pretty beastly in the ttk but ppl will continue to freak out until they realize that....

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                      • [i]the year 1 legendary announcement all but destroyed grinders' reason to play.[/i] This.

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                      • Did Cosmo really say it was a random roll? Lol It wasn't in the loot table this is known. It was "randomly" selected after the team said to put it in. Cosmo was trolling on top of the GHorn troll. Layers of troll. What a team.

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                      • Let me put this out there: Remember the glitch? That was because they wanted to throw us a bone and have Xur sell ghorn to ease the sting of that nerf announcement, but couldn't even get that right, resulting in the glitch. So, they were finally able to get it right this past weekend. Too little too late.

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