PSN: Bigdaddysledge Pretty good with the raid normal and hard. Looking forward to meeting you all
PSN :TZimm
sonic2431 ps4 hunter 286 light
There is a clan chat on Line for psn members moderator is TheCloudStorm on app add him and message him.
[quote]Post your GT here so members can add you.[/quote] Mikfort
Raven-Knight_2015 on PS4
theCaptnMorgan PS4
PSN: cgang3 Weekend gamer, I'm usually available to play Friday through Sunday any time. 298 Hunter, still need to get in the habit of working on my Titan and Warlock...
PSN = burns_inc On weekends early AM EST somewhere between 5-8, tough to find running mates at that time so add me if you see me.
Thecloudstorm Looking forward to playing with everyone
Edited by RedbeardedBastard: 10/23/2015 12:24:05 AMChartdyp. All classes above 290 titans my main though.
TheVZA on psn.
Edited by juicepractical: 7/7/2024 10:13:15 AMDeleted
Names SuFuRockAFella...
Just my old clan just dissolved so looking for some new team mates add LeonheartV
Ps4 Name is Bakstabr1224
PSN: Sail2Sea Character: lvl 40 warlock
Rin-Ka-Shi-Me 😊