Its utterly ridiculous, dude. Activision is seriously the Final Boss of the Gaming Industry and that sucker needs to be brought down like now.
This is NOT how AAA games should work, and I'm very proud and supportive of those who continue to refuse these kinds of practices and put out great titles. Example!
CD Projekt RED
Epic Games
Really, in truth these ridiculous AAA practices seem to mostly stem from ones associated with Activision in some fashion. Hell, even EA isn't as bad when compared to them.
Mmh. Some of your "exemples" employees would like to have a word with you. Unless you got a way to make tons of design, art and code for free, games cost money. Lots of it. It's just the nature of the beast.
There's plenty of other options. Hell, Bungie could've gone with Kickstarter to get the funding for Destiny.
Well... In my vision, this is simply how it works: You like it? Buy it. You don't agree with the way they make bussines? Then don't. Same goes with every single leisure product on the market. Personnaly, I've been in love with "bungie GD" for 15+ years. Destiny mechanics still smell good passion fueled, dopamine driven GD, but i can also see less experienced people implementing things, and im not interested in "pve" activities. Is its pvp good enough for me to buy it twice a year? Lol, we'll see ;)
True enough, although simply not buying the product isn't enough in my opinion. Its always best to accompany action with words as well. Feedback can be powerful, especially when given proper care and assertion. Sometimes, the best way to drive a point and bring about productive change is to never stop talking about something and always keep it there for them to look at. The end goal is always thus, the betterment of not only the product, the game itself, but also for the people on the whole, for both sides of the fence.
Tout à votre honneur, Sir. ;)