If it were an actual tattoo, wouldn't it be red af seeing how if you did it right away it would have been done a bit more than a day ago?.. Because of this I'm in doubt lol
Swelling and redness are normal. But everyone's body is different. Some won't show much irritation. Some people bleed a lot some don't bleed much. Some swell like mofos, some don't. Wether it's real or not the style of the piece is great. Me likey! Lol
Yeah, it looks nice but either way there should be some sort of red around it lol
Doesn't go red straight away or swell. Usually the day after
It is real....
Yup. No redness or swelling. Deffo not a real tatt.
It's real, swollen like a bitch today
I can't take too many more insults today.
What's wrong with it lol
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I don't have any tattoos myself, and I know that happens..
Just recently got my leg done in a similar place to the horn "tatt" with first session on a war of the world's piece. Not too bad while being done but hurts like a bitch after. Pic is week or so after the work https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmvogc8htnk85ot/20150623_214244.jpg?dl=0
Nice! That's quite a large tattoo for that area. Looks good, though.