[quote]1. CoD is the best game ever threads
2. Minecraft is the best game ever threads
3. "SkyDoesMinecraft, Smosh and PewDiePie are the best YouTubers ever xD"[/quote]
Um, how about no?
[quote]4. Anime threads
5. I'm leaving threads
6. MLP threads
7. Little kids insulting with horrendous grammar
8. Song lyrics threads to cringy rap songs
9. Console war threads[/quote]
We have all of these, one way or another.
[quote]10. "There should be a crossover of Minecraft and CoD"[/quote] Please refer to #1
[quote]11. Cringe threads in general[/quote]
We have these
[quote]12. "Mostar high lovers
Who love Mostar high"
(They mean Monster High. The TV show for little girls.)[/quote]
Please god no.
[quote]13. RP thread[/quote]
We have these
Lol cod, sammon.
Ayyyy lmao look who I found