Trying to prove a point to my buddy
Edit - thanks for the votes, I proved my point well
Edit - thanks for everyone who voted. Female titans are officially the worst combo in the game
Female Titans heads are wayyyyy too big for their body
Ever seen a really hot female body builder? I mean really hot like Kate Upton hot. That's why female titans are a little off. It's all about the armor, and the class items don't help either they take away from the hips.
Does anyone agree that with some armor combos male titans look like turtles standing on two legs?
Anyone wanna check out my female Titan? Thought she looked pretty nice lol
when my female Titan looks better than most people's main.. chill
Pretty sure that's a matter of opinion....
I get it and I agree that the Female Titan looks a little off compared to the other. It's funny reading comments against male titans and hunters...I feel like they look they're part and the other female classes look really good as well. I might create a different poll but along the same lines. For me Hunter is Human, Warlock is Awoken, and Titan is Exo. Feel like each type fits a certain theme.
Aww... I love my female titan. I think male hunters look off, personally... Just a little too broad in the chest, though it might be because I'm used to female characters.
Male titans are massive. I feel way too cumbersome and clunky. That could be because I main a max agility hunter.
Don't get me wrong I like armentarium (spelling) grenade tassels it's absolutely hilarious, but I think the profile is more slender then advertised. I think a Titan should have bigger armor that makes them look significantly slower tank like
Female Titan are the worst? Really people? Have you not seen the female Exo dance? It's better than the stupid one-move dance the male has. Plus you don't look like some bulky hunk of metal.
Wow I actually like the female Titans look. Male Titan looks like they skipped leg day.
Female warlocks look too skinny imo
The female titan is sexy Check mine
female titans are very strange looking, the armour doesn't suit them at all and it looks like their heads are gonna pop off, hence why I made a male titan.
xD I regret my female Titan!
I'm particularly fond of my female Titan. She's skinny and tall and more than willing to kick all the male Titans asses.
Hunters were MENT to be females
What do you mean? Elaborate please. Character configuration?
Male awoken anything because that dance isn't even fun to watch when a dance is appropriate.
My female warlock is great. My male warlock is great. IMO, warlocks just look good
i've always understood the word 'warlock' to indicate a male a female warlock doesn't make a whole ton of sense, as that's simply a witch.
I voted female Titan and I have a female Titan, I regret it a lot but it really doesn't matter in the end.
uh-oh I think your proven point just got overturned. . .
But little does anyone know, the Queen is secretly a titan.