"And why is that?"
"You don't look like a normal cyborg and you just ran from me when I wanted to be your friend"
"I wants running I was simply having fun"
"Let me tag along then"
"Alright" [b]she puts her mask back on[/b]
[b]He looks at you[/b]
[b]steps off the edge of the roof[/b]
[b]Sits down [/b]
[b]grapples to a different roof as she falls[/b]
[b]He does the same[/b]
"So who are you?"
"I....I don't know "
"That stinks"
"All I remember is some girl tried to kill me on a rooftop"
"Yeah it does"
"And what did you mean my cybernetics didn't look normal?"
"So how's life?"
"Good what about you"
"I'm alright"
[b]remains silent[/b]
"Where are we going"