Anything. Ikora requested for me to learn [i]anything[/i]. But I would like to learn a little more about your hierarchy, or religion. Really, you Fallen interest me...
Hierarchy and see fallen have no religon, we live by Kells because of their strength and size...its not fair, we're ranked by how important our role in the war is, not our society, females at the bottom, dregs ,vandals, captains, barons, archons and then Kells. We only follow old Kell of Kells prophecy told by our fathers, see if we find Kell of Kells, we follow Kell of Kells. That is inly because we have no god, many wish we did but we don't we all separate to far to create god, if we worked together maybe we could create a Elinski that gave us hope with its name, like every other race. We are barbarians compared to other sentient beings, we believe it is not fair.
Hmm... Interesting. But, are your servitors not your "minor deities" and your prime servitors your gods? I have encountered many primes in my... Past iterations, and have found many Fallen worshipping their prime. And you are correct, it does seem unfair. But sometimes brutality is far more appealing than the, [i]other[/i] option. (More or less extinction at that.) Thank you, you have given me much to mull over. Perhaps one day we all shall find peace. I look forward to that day. *[b]Transmission End[/b]*
That day is coming, as long as a vandal such as I lives, it is coming [b]*Transmission over*[/b]