Like most players I am just as excited to get new gear. But does it really have to overwrite the old gear? What if I want to buy old guns and armor and use them in pvp and all that? If there was a way to level them up after a certain time after The Taken King then I would wait for that. And I am sure thousands would too.
MY SOLUTION: in each and every vendor there could be a scroll arrow to go back to different sets of DLC gear like the dark below and house of wolves when that gets old.
P.s. Maybe there could be better rolls to get this gear naturally from rewards as well. And the reason all this should be in the game is it already is on thousands of different characters accounts collecting dust. I'm not saying that they should be leveled up right away but maybe down the road as to create more diversity.
Give this a great rating so bungie will se it and know how everyone feels about gear they could never get!
You're right, people want to look different and use any gun they want. Bungie is going to destroy destiny; I haven't pre ordered taken king because of this disgusting, selfish news, I was going to buy it this friday. The only people that are happy, are the people that dont really like/play destiny.