I'm currently on mobile so I'm not going to type out a wall. Hunters in general are about enhancing playstyles in a subtle way. For instance the 2 perks in gunslinger that increase your reload speed and decrease your recoil. Factually that increases your damage potential. But it still relies entirely on the player to land consistent headshots for that to happen. Warlocks are ability heavy that heavily favor forgiveness. When their abilities are on cool down the subclasses have nothing to offer to the player. Simply put as a hunter you use your gun then all your traits and abilities come after. Like throwing a knife at a wounded player. Where as a warlock opens ever engagement with their abilities. You see what I'm getting at?
Still think Hunters are easy to use. Honestly Titans are the hardest to use in PvP
I just explained why. Hunters 90% of the time are about player gunplay. Warlocks factually have the easiest abilities.