By earning strange coins and purchasing it instead of a random RNG giving it to me for free.
You didn't "earn" strange coins. A 15 minute raid once a week for 2 weeks isn't "earning" anything. If anything, it's less earning than getting it from a RNG drop. You don't work 15 minutes for 2 weeks and then buy a Porsche. This "strange coins is earning our weapons" needs to stop.
Lol. So you're saying doing nightfall is earning? But I can get strange coins in nightfall. Did I earn them? I get last place in crucible and got Gjallarhorn. Did I earn it? Going to lfg to get gorgon chest. Did I earn it? Your logic is awesome.
Grinding to be able to do nightfall is earning it. Of course there are aspects of RNG in the game, no ones denying it. But hopping in to crucible and going 1/35 and getting a gally is extremely rare. But grinding 3 nightfalls and each hard raid each week and getting a gally is earning it. Running 2 15 minute strikes and "earning" these coins and buying one isn't earning anything. That's what I'm saying. Some people win the lottery, that's luck. Some people put the time in and work for their possessions. But no one works for 15 minutes and then says they're a billionaire and they've "earned" it. Simple as that.
There hasn't been any grinding since TDB came out. Grinding to do nightfall? It took two legendary pieces to get me to 30. Maybe before the dark below. Sure you've earned stuff. I remember when you had to wear all purple to even get close to 30. Everything is way to easy now. It's not even earning if everyone demands 34s on a 30 raid. That's not earning. That's being lazy. Being 29-30 doing atheon hard. That's earning. It's not earning anymore. I'll agree. Doing a heroic strike isn't really earning it. But if you're like my other account and have more than 500 strange coins. I think I've earned it. Did my time in the strikes to get that. Buying Gjallarhorn on this account made me feel dirty. 24 hours and now I have one. So to a point you can earn your coins. If you only did it a couple times? No not really earning.
I've had the game since release but I'm just getting back in to it. I started back up maybe 2 months ago. Had no idea about anything. But I just got my gally last week from hard atheon. I grinded mine. Got all my characters to 34, did 3 nightfalls a week, atheon every week 3 times. Crota. Always got my treasure keys for Poe. Still took a ton of time, but I got one. Then literally 3 days later it's essentially free. I'm not the best, I don't have max grim or every exotic. But what I have, I spent the time and played the game (how's it's supposed to be) and got my weapons. It's a game. What's the point in even playing if you just spend 30 minutes playing, and then just buying the best weapons in the game? It's essentially pay to win. And personally, I'm not a fan of that.
Doing the heroic a couple times is not earning. I'll agree to that. I've had the game since launch as well. Spent my time grinding. On my other account I would help others through raids, Nightfalls, Heroics, strikes and PoE. I got my first Gjallarhorn in crucible back in October. I was having a bad game. Worst player in the whole game and I got it. I definitely didn't feel like I earned it. Well because I didn't. RNG is always earning. It's just luck. It doesn't always reward the one that are really trying. My gf has 1500 hours in the game and gave up until I dragged her through a nightfall and she got one last month. If she didn't get it this would've been the perfect time to get one. As we both missed out the first time he sold it. But I think if you've done the time to do heroic and actually saved your coins. Sure buy it. You've earned it. Not saying just doing it twice. Do it a couple months. Then yes you have earned it. There are times when the heroic is more of a pain then the nightfall. That's just what I think. If you've done the time. Go ahead and buy it. RNG isn't nice to everyone and not everyone deserves one.
17 strange coins isn't enough though. For the best weapon. That's like paying a grand for a lambo. Doesn't make sense. Shouldn't be able to pay to win
I'm trying to follow the logic that equates a path to a guaranteed gjally and pay to win and I'm afraid I can't figure it out.
Xur is basically pay to win. Get strange coins = buy good gear. It's not irl money, but destiny money.
Destiny money which you get by... earning it?