As stated by the YouTube Streamer easynow1337 this tactic is [i]abusing[/i] the mechanics of the game.
I just played a game where a team used this same tactic. Names are listed below if any punishment/praise is to be bestowed upon them for knowingly abusing this. Names are case sensative.
Every time a titan uses the Defender super Ward of Dawn they create two orbs of light. When a whole team creates their bubbles at the same time, about eight orbs of light are created. Eight orbs of light is more than enough to create another super. This all happens in the span of a few seconds thus creating a way to endlessly camp. While I am not saying this is cheating in any way, shape, or form I do think this qualifies as exploiting the game to create an unfair situation.
I tried using my warlock super outside as well as inside their chain of bubbles but the result was only one of the bubbles being destroyed, with only the enemies inside that bubble being killed. Therefor only one enemy would die, get re-spawned, run back into the bubbles, get super again, and the whole thing would start over again.
I urge Bungie to find a way to fix this exploitation. I understand that finding a way to fix this will take a lot of time, or might never happen at all since creating bubbles from using a super is a fundamental part of the game at the moment.
I hope no one else gets caught on the other side of the bubbles like I did. It feels like being cheated against. =(
Cry much? Poosefacemcgee
Hello Guardian, I am A Random Hunter. I hope you don't mind but I'm doing the "Daily Bungie.net Collect Tears Bounty" for the Vanguard. I still need alot more tears, but thank you for your contribution. YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS
Nova bomb pist of panic golden gun razors edge
Do not use the Bungie.net forums for reporting Destiny in-game activity. That's not the function of this site. Use the in-game reporting tools provided to you. (linked)
Name and shame, not even worth it. People have been doing this forever. Go on brush your shoulders off guardian, cuz you a salty b [spoiler]bye Felicia[/spoiler]
Didn't bungie say they were fixing this with Demishing returns for each orb picked up? I could've swore I read it in one of the updates.
Just use a blade dancer with razors edge and the bubble is gone
Dude this is called team work. I saw a team doing it against me it's kinda cheap but it's not against rules to do this just play it smart stay away from there campy bubbles
I simply LOVE this tactic. Me and my buddies do this sometimes and we have a blast
lol name and shame rip op
It's a good tactic and it's not cheating
all Ground wave supers counters this strategy. split nova bomb as well and titan smash with ground waves
So in order to combat this you would have to disable all orb generation in PvP. Is that what you really want. You never pick up a fellow team mates orbs so you get your super a little more often. A full team of Titans is rare. We use this tactic in PvE and set the perk for ward of dawn generates orbs when taking damage. My advice is play ranged to take away the advantage, force them to come out and engage them when they do or when they transition from one area to another.
How many times has this happened to you? One? Well dont worry since most of the players are hunters and warlocks in pvp.
Edited by U7731848: 8/18/2015 3:14:57 AM
That will be the forecast of this post if those names stay. [spoiler]Just a heads up.[/spoiler]
I agree with this but I recommend taking the names down. Bungie gets all butt hurt and you will get in trouble by them for posting names. They like to keep their cheaters anonymous
They need to eliminate orbs from pvp they are op
This post is going to get ripped down for defamation. You should remove the names, otherwise it will get removed. Also, it's not cheating. It's exploitation of shit that Bungie were too stupid to let remain unpatched. This is why competitive destiny will never be a thing.
This has been going on for quite a bit, practically anyone with a brain couldn't care less. I don't even do this tactic, my crucible class is Warlock Nova bomb.
Man was about to explain how to beat avoid the tactic but thought meh its been explained before. Good tactic and simple to beat.
Get rid of names you can be banned
This strategy is easy to beat and actually quite difficult to pull off... My clan did it for the fun of it, but a couple strikers can come and blast away all the bubbles easily. It's not an exploit and a lot more people would do it if it was always successful. We ended up winning more games playing normally.
Best I've seen of this was 5 defenders and one blade dancer that basically had infinite supers. Every time he would get supered, the team would just refresh the bubbles for 10 more orbs. It was beautiful.
First off shouldn't name people on these forums. Could land you in trouble with CoC Ninjas. Second, its not an exploit. Its a strategy that is being used as intended, believe it or not. Why else would you spawn orbs for teammates, much less have perks that allow you to spawn more?