Doing the heroic a couple times is not earning. I'll agree to that. I've had the game since launch as well. Spent my time grinding. On my other account I would help others through raids, Nightfalls, Heroics, strikes and PoE. I got my first Gjallarhorn in crucible back in October. I was having a bad game. Worst player in the whole game and I got it. I definitely didn't feel like I earned it. Well because I didn't. RNG is always earning. It's just luck. It doesn't always reward the one that are really trying. My gf has 1500 hours in the game and gave up until I dragged her through a nightfall and she got one last month. If she didn't get it this would've been the perfect time to get one. As we both missed out the first time he sold it. But I think if you've done the time to do heroic and actually saved your coins. Sure buy it. You've earned it. Not saying just doing it twice. Do it a couple months. Then yes you have earned it. There are times when the heroic is more of a pain then the nightfall. That's just what I think. If you've done the time. Go ahead and buy it. RNG isn't nice to everyone and not everyone deserves one.
17 strange coins isn't enough though. For the best weapon. That's like paying a grand for a lambo. Doesn't make sense. Shouldn't be able to pay to win
I'm trying to follow the logic that equates a path to a guaranteed gjally and pay to win and I'm afraid I can't figure it out.
Xur is basically pay to win. Get strange coins = buy good gear. It's not irl money, but destiny money.
Destiny money which you get by... earning it?