We already have one. In fact, that's why I'm here right now. We were developing a teleportation device of sorts that could be used by the Red Army. Troop movements, logistics, even individual soldiers in combat. It operated on Dark Matter that we recovered back when the Tunguska Event happened. However, the device malfunctioned when we tested it, and sent everything within a 50 mile radius through what we assume was a wormhole, and dropped us on this planet.
We tried to see if we could get it to send us back to our planet, but we had no Dark Matter left. We managed to contact an anonymous dealer and he got us a sample, but told us that there wasn't any more on this planet. So we took a chance and bought it.
Some dumb bitch stalled me on my way back and nearly caused the destruction of this planet...
Right now I'm waiting on results from the lab technicians to see if we can even use it anymore.
Forrest smiles. [i]Ah. You see, we can communicate with our Earth groups, but our main leadership is here, since it's safer. Problem is, our old facility has been abandoned. We can't go back. When our strike team from a while ago radioed in to you for help, they were figuring your detachment could, and were hoping you had connections to GRU-SV8. [/i]
You wanted GRU-SV8? [i]You're looking at him.[/i]
Forrest rubs his hands together, then turns to his aide, who silently hands him fifty dollars. [i]Knew it all along, didn't I?[/i] He turns to Chelovek. [i]Now then, General, we need to sen back about 200 men, and put them on the US West Coast. Can you create such a device?[/i]
We already have the device. We just need to see if the fuel is stable enough to use. If it isn't, then we are out of luck.
Forrest grins. [i]Perfect.[/i]
[spoiler]goin AFK[/spoiler]